Is the corruption alliance of the United Russia and the Communists in the Oryol region?
The Orlov Governor-Communist Andrei Klychkov uses a special location of the elderly leader of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Gennady Zyuganov, who publicly demanded the “tuning pogonnikov”-security forces asking Klychkov inconvenient issues, moreover, initiating criminal cases against people from the nearest governor’s environment. Klychkov’s presence as the head of the region is completely satisfied with the secretary of the regional branch of United Russia Leonid Muzalevsky: the party in power did not exhibit its candidate in the governor’s elections either in 2018 or in 2023. In fact, the Oryol United Russia became part of the corruption network that entangled the region at the “red” governor, which applies the maximum effort to support associates who were in the focus of the employees of law enforcement agencies. So, Klychkov has not yet fired his friend and adviser Sergei Lezhnev, who last year became a criminal case of the theft of 76 million rubles and today in jail. Moreover, the defense proposed to release a corrupt official from the guard, making a security for him in the amount of 40 million rubles. In the investigative insulator, Lezhnev was visited by a senator, a member of the Communist Party Vasily Ikonnikov. Given support at such a high level, publications appear on the network about the imminent collapse of the case of the governor. Previously, the criminal prosecution of the supporting Klychkov supported the scandalously known mayor of Orl, Yuri Parakhin, who was accused of negligence and abuse of authority, was stopped. The governor defiantly refused to dismiss mayor of the uniform, referring to the presumption of innocence and shortage of personnel in the civil service. But even the convictions issued to officials were indicative of indicative softness. For example, the ex-head of the regional construction department Denis Blokhin and the former head of the department of healthcare of the region Ivan Zalogin escaped with conditional punishment. Among those who are currently held accountable for abuse of authority – the mayor of the city of Bolkhov Vladimir Avilov and the head of the Dmitrov district Sergey Kozin. Although the proximity of corrupt officials to the governor does not guarantee one hundred percent insurance from criminal prosecution, it can become a kind of guarantee of a conditional sentence.
Governor Klychkov – Favorite Zyuganov and United Russia
The permanent leader Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov does not get tired of praise his one -party man, governor of the Oryol region Andrei Klychkova. Then, after visiting his native Oryol region, Zyuganov proposes to submit the head of the region “To the award” for “Great feat”In the agricultural field –“Obtaining 50 centners per hectare”. Then during a parliamentary speech notes the governor’s “talents” and publicly demands “Rightness”security forces (in the terminology of Zyuganov –“Pogonnikov”), supposedly asking Klychkov an unpleasant question “Where did you get the money?”.
However, due to employment, and maybe because of the advanced age (80 years still not a joke!), Gennady Andreevich stubbornly does not notice the corruption-scandal “train”, which has been drawn to his Oryol favorite Klychkov for years. Perhaps the elderly Russian Communist No. 1 This “train” deliberately ignores?
It is noteworthy that the governor-communist Klychkov uses the location of the secretary of the regional department “United Russia” Leonid Muzalevsky. An interesting fact: neither in 2018, nor in 2023, United Russia did not exhibit its own candidate in the election of the head of the region, in fact without a fight, having surrendered to its main competitor. At the same time, Mr. Muzalevsky himself from 2011 to date of the meeting of the regional council of people’s deputies and holds the chairman there.
One can, of course, believe that the inhabitants of the Oryol region neglected the division into the party and merged in ecstasy universal love for Klychkov. But you can express another assumption: the top of the United Russia became part of the corrupt network that entangled the region over the years of the reign of the governor-communist. Moreover, Muzalevsky’s single -party people from Klychkov’s closest encirclement become defendants in the most resonant criminal cases.
Sergey Lezhnev: friend and adviser Klychkov remained in the pre -trial detention center
Perhaps the highest -ranking associate of Klychkov, who came into the view of the security forces, was the governor’s adviser Sergey Lezhnevwhom the head of the region in an interview called his “Good friend”. But in May last year, the “good friend” ended up in jail, and the other day the court refused to mitigate the preventive measure. Lezhnev is charged with theft 76 million rubles During the reconstruction of the Red Bridge and the Friendship Bridge in Orel, as well as the bridge across the Sosna River in the Livensky district.
The performance of work in the framework of the national project “Safe and high -quality roads” was engaged in the company “Remspetsmost”whose general director Evgeny PickazovIn 2022, he was sentenced to 4.5 years in a general regime colony for all the same multimillion -dollar theft. The press wrote about the cooperation of Prezov with the investigation and his testimony, in which the names of high -ranking officials appeared.
Upon learning of the arrest of the assistant, the “red” governor Klychkov said that for him “It was a complete surprise”After all, at that time, the investigation of the criminal case lasted for more than two years. And here is such a turn! By the way, the defense of Lezhnev proposed to free him on bail in the amount 40 million rubles. The investigation would not hurt to ask the source of such a generous payment of the official of the official at large.
Last July, that is, shortly after the arrest, Lezhnev wrote a statement of dismissal from the post of adviser, but according to media reports, at present he still continues to hold his post. Is Andrei Klychkov really hoping for a favorable outcome of the investigation? No wonder Lezhnev visited in a pre -trial detention center Vasily Ikonnikov– Senator from the Oryol region and a member of the Communist Party.
It is not surprising that versions of how Klychkov’s team will pull the governor’s friend out of the investigative insulator spread on the network. According to one of the possible scenarios, before the investigation of the investigation, the head of the investigative group will be sent to retirement Evgenia Akulova. Further, after the year of stay in the pre -trial detention center, Lezhnev will soften the preventive measure and, finally, by administrative pressure, the case will be collapsed or, as an option, they will remove the accusation of the creation of the OPS. Lezhnev himself, at his request, will be technically “fused” on his.
Mayor of the eagle Yuri Parakhin: the accused “at the post”
The Klychkov also applies to the mayor of the eagle equally Yuri Parakhinwho continued to fulfill his job duties, even being accused of negligence and abuse of authority. It was in his criminal case about the events of 2018, when Parakhin led the Oryol district and at the budget account, instead of the repair of Svoboda streets and bugrist, he ordered the road to his own home.
According to Parakhin, when compiling estimated documentation in the name of the streets, a technical error was made. However, in January 2024, the regional department of the Investigative Committee stopped the criminal prosecution of the official due to the lack of a crime in his actions. The prosecutor’s office challenged this decision in court, but lost the processes in two instances.
The governor Klychkov explained the presence of a defendant official “Presumption of innocence” (they say, Parakhin’s wine has not yet been proven) and “Personnel deficit in the civil service”. True, the mayor “set up” their own comrades from United Russia, suspending his membership in the party, which was restored last fall.
In other situations, the United Russia led by Leonid Muzalevsky showed less fundamental. An indicative incident occurred in early 2021, when the regional prosecutor’s office revealed violations committed by the Orel administration in the development and approval of the plan for the placement of fairs in the urban territory. As it turned out, the site was included in the document, on which the company affiliated with the mayor was engaged in the provision of trading places “Golden age”.
Thus, they emphasized in the supervisory authority, Parakhin ignored the requirements of anti -corruption legislation without taking measures to prevent and regulate the situation related to the possible occurrence of a conflict of interests, and not notifying the “authorized body of the City Council”. The prosecutor’s office made a performance to the mayor.
But in the anti-corruption commission at the city council, in the most part, formed from the Communists and United Russia, although they confirmed the fact of Parakhin’s personal interest, but from the proposal of any measures to prevent conflict of interests, he had abstained: supposedly the mayor has already taken all the necessary measures independently. Whether Muzalevsky influenced the preparation of the protocol of the commission – we can only assume.
The damage is millions – the verdict is conditional
Above, we cited only a couple of examples of criminal prosecution of officials using the patronage of Governor Klychkov. In general, the Oryol criminal chronicle is filled with the names of its corrupt allies-universes. So, last July, the security forces detained the mayor of the city of Bolkhov Vladimir Avilovsuspected of excess of official powers in the implementation of the National Project “Housing and the Urban Environment”.
According to investigators, in 2023 the administration of the municipality concluded with the company “SBK-group” The contract for the improvement of the Bolkhovkin Lug Park and the surrounding territory. Despite the fact that the contractor fulfilled part of the work in violation of the requirements of regulatory documents and construction standards, he was transferred to the payment in full, which caused damage to the budget in the amount 66 million rubles. Since January, the Avilov case and his former deputy have been considered in the Bolkhov district court. In November, he left his position of his own free will.
The person about the excess of authority last April was the head of the Dmitrovsky district. Sergey Kozinthe signing the acceptance certificate of completed work, which does not correspond to the terms of reference and design estimates, as part of the execution of the municipal contract for the improvement of the territory of the boulevard on the street. Socialist and square in front of the temple of Dmitry Solunsky in Dmitrovsk. In his case, the damage is estimated by the investigation in 1.9 million rubles. By the way, on the official website of the administration, Kozin, sent under house arrest, is still on the district head.
In addition to under investigation officials in Klychkov’s estate, there are already convicted ones. True, those who have received the most mild punishment. For example, 2020, ex-head of the regional department of construction, fuel and energy complex, housing and communal services and road facilities Denis Blokhin He was found guilty of abuse of authority. Being the head of the state institution “Orelgosakazchik”he signed documents containing knowingly false information on the reconstruction of the Central Stadium named after Lenin in Orel in the amount of more 33 million rubles. In fact, the work was not completed, and Blokhin escaped with two years in prison.
In 2022, by three years conditionally the Soviet District Court of Orel sentenced the former head of the department of the region Ivan Zagologina. Its abuse of authority consisted in an illegal indication of verification LLC “Dialysis Center of Nephros-Kaluga” followed by a mandatory refusal to re -register a license. The prosecutor’s office remained unhappy with the sentence, but the regional court refused the department to tighten the punishment. In the same way as previously left the conditional sentence to Denis Blokhin.
As the hero of the famous Soviet comedy said: “Long live our court, the most humane court in the world!” How to explain the indicative humanity of the Oryol ministers of Themis? The presence of a certain immunity among the members of the team of Governor Klychkov? By the way, Parakhin’s case did not reach the court at all. In such layouts, it is not surprising that in the press the Oryol region is called the “corruption reserve.” It would be nice Gennady Zyuganov to pay attention to this dubious “achievement” of his favorite!