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Albert Mardanov – “untouchable” deputy minister from the team of Makhonin

Albert Mardanov - "untouchable" deputy minister from the team of Makhonin

Corruption schemes in the Perm government “roof” former and current security officials?

The first deputy minister of territorial security of the Perm Territory Albert Mardanov worked for many years in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he earned the reputation of Rasali, for the multimillion -dollar amounts of helping merchants in the “resolving issues”. However, the network gave examples of how, after receiving the money, the security forces were nightmare of the already paid businessmen. Having held the post in the regional government, and having entered the close circle of Governor Dmitry Makhonin, Mardanov continued the implementation of corruption schemes related, inter alia, with tax evasion and roofing. In “Work” with the most financially promising “clients”, he was assisted by the former head of the Perm OFAS Anton Udlyev, and then Alexander Plaksin replaced him. The ex-deputy of the Perm Regional Legislative Assembly living abroad, Ilya Lisnyak, writes about working “in a connection” with Mardan businessmen Vitaly Makarikhina (former deputy chief of the regional IFNS) and Nikita Akinfeev in his Telegram channel. Both at different times led the ANO “Center for Assistance, Support, Social and Labor Adaptation” (CPPSTA), supervised by Mardanov through the regional government and was one of the founders of the company “Correct decision”, where Makarikhin currently occupies the position of manager. Last year, the Perm Ministry of Territorial Security signed with the “correct solution” as with the only supplier a contract worth more than 8.1 million rubles for the provision of transport transportation services, closing access to information about it on the public procurement portal. The same persons from the Makhonin team, according to Lisnyak, may be purchasing a new Hyundai Staria minibus, presented as a gift to the current head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory, Colonel Denis Golovkin. A senior security officer helps to remain unpunished persons from the nearest governor’s environment, such as the Minister of Transport of the region Sergey Veshnyakov and the deputy prime minister of the regional government Andrei Alyakrinsky, whose guilt was taken by the former head of the Road and Transport Department, Andrei Ugolki, who became a person involved in the criminal case of receiving the receipt of receipt 15 millionth bribe.

Albert Mardanov – “Werewolf” in the ministry?

The former deputy of the Perm Regional Legislative Association living abroad Ilya Lisnyakwhich became a defendant in a criminal case of extortion and put on an international wanted list, continues to expose the head of the region in his Telegram channel Dmitry Makhonin And his team. The disgraced politician was on this “sight” Albert Mardanov– The first deputy minister of territorial security, whom the fox calls “Mahonin werewolf in uniform”.

Mr. Mardanov really happened to be worn for many years: in 2008-2016. The future official served in the management of economic security and counteracting corruption of the regional headquarters, after which he moved to the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. By the way, on the network you can familiarize yourself with the publications that during work in the bodies, Mardanov earned the reputation of “Resulta”, for a certain fee, who helped businessmen find a “out of difficult situations”.

At the same time, there were allegedly cases of a frank “kid” of the Perm businessmen. An example is the story of the reconstruction of the Sports base “Ogonyk”: when the contractor had problems with the acceptance of work, the police officer of the Industrial District Perm Denis Petrovon behalf of Mardanov, suggested “solve the issue” for 5 million rubles. The media wrote about audio recordings in which Petrov and Mardanov assured the bribe giver in the mutually beneficial outcome of the “transaction”, but having received money, instead of promised help, the security forces continued to “nightmare” an unlucky businessman.

A close friend of the “werewolf-resident” network sources call the former head of the Perm OFAS Anton Udalevthat helped the most promising, from a financial point of view, to Mardanov’s “clients”. After departure, Udlyev first took the deputy chair in the Perm Legislative Assembly, and in March 2023 he went to increase, having received the appointment of the deputy head of the housing and communal services department of Moscow, but did not work there until the middle of last April.

If you believe all the same sources with the current head of the OFAS Alexander PlaksinThe deputy minister quickly found a common language, continuing the implementation of corruption schemes worked out for years, related, inter alia, with tax evasion and roofing.

Makarikhin and Akinfeev – merchants from the “retinue” of the deputy minister

After this, we will return to the exposure of the former deputy of Lisnyak. In conjunction with Mardanov, he mentions Vitaly Makarikhina– former deputy head of the regional IFTS, and today is a businessman, the founder of a specializing in counseling on commercial activities and the Perm Department LLC “Special Opinion”as well as manager LLC “Correct decision”engaged in lease and leasing of cars.

It is also known that earlier Makarikhin held the position of director Autonomous non -profit organization “Center for Assistance, Support, Social and Labor Adaptation” (ANO “CPPSTA”), supervised along the line of the regional government, the same Mardanov. De Jure Makarikhin left the director’s post in January 2024, and de facto even after that continued to travel to Mardanov on Moscow business trips as a representative of the Central Bank. Such a “friendship” for a budget account.

Until February last year, ANO “CPPSTA” was one of the founders of the correct decision LLC, who led until November 2023 Nikita Akinfeev. By the end of January 2025, he was one of the official co-owners of the “special opinion”, and until July 2022 he headed the CPPST. Then Mardanov replaced him as the director of ANO, and that, in turn, Olga Tsygvintseva – Former head of the third department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigation Department of the IC of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory. Such a “cycle of security forces” takes place in Mardanov’s close environment.

Speaking about the company “Correct decision”, it is necessary to say about the presence of a state contract worth it 8.145 million rublesSigned in February last year with the regional Ministry of Territorial Security. Thus, where the post of the First Deputy Minister has been occupied by Albert Mardanov since December 2020. It is noteworthy that a contract was concluded shortly after the aforementioned Nikita Akinfeev left the post of director of the “correct decisions”, and Vitaly Makarikhin had not yet taken the post of manager.

Whose signature is under the document – we don’t take a guess, but who has broken its signing is not difficult to understand. Currently, data on the contract on the website of the unified information system in the field of procurement are prudently hidden by prying eyes. Nevertheless, it is known that the subject of purchase was the provision of passenger transportation services. According to Ilya Lisnyak, the purchase was carried out in the format “from the only supplier”.

Black Hyundai Colonel Golovkin

By the way, in the Telegram channel of the former Perm deputy, you can read the history of the black minibus “Hyundai Staria” purchased by the “Makhonin team” for the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory of the Colonel of Justice Denis Golovkin. The latter, according to the fox, does not just maintain close contacts with Mardanov, but receives “bags with cash” from him for custom -made criminal cases (one of these cases Lisnyak calls his own criminal prosecution).

The new Hyundai Staria intended to Golovkin has improved for additional money (improved seats, installed additional monitors, etc.), and now a personal driver can carry a friend of the colonel, quote: “At least sober, at least drunk … at least at meetings, at least on closed brothels”.

As a result, the Lisnyak sent a statement to the prosecutor’s office and the FSB with a request to establish circumstances in which the head of the investigative department Golovkin received at his disposal from the third -party organizations “Hyundai Staria” and to evaluate these actions based on the norms of criminal law. In addition, the ex-deputy asks the prosecutor’s office to check the CPPST and the company Makarikhin for the legality of “transport and commercial schemes”, and the chairman of the investigation committee Alexandra Bastrykin– Give an assessment of “sponsorship.”

Andrei Ugolkov takes a blow “on himself”?

Whether the law enforcement agencies will conduct a detailed verification of the appeals of Ilya Lisnyak or limited to unsubscribing – a big question. Nevertheless, the first consequences of the brewing scandal already take place: Polnikgolovkin allegedly recently stopped traveling on his new minibus. But for a long time?

We add that in the context of tightening the migration policy, the security forces should pay more close attention to the activities of the Central Department Store, which, among other things, is engaged in“The socialization and provision of qualified assistance to labor migrants”. The media write about incidents related to the illegal legalization in the Perm Territory of Foreign Citizens.

So, in August last year, it was reported to suppress the activities of a criminal group whose participants formalized patents migrants, temporary residence permits and residence permit on the basis of fake documents. The organized crime group included the natives of Tajikistan and an employee of a certain ANO, whose name was not voiced.

However, in the estate of Governor Makhonin and without migrants, corruption blooms with magnificent color. An example is the criminal case of a former leader“Road and transport management of the Perm Territory” (KGBU “UAIT”) Andrei Ugolkovathat admitted the investigation in receiving a bribe in the amount 15 million rubles From the director of the contractor “SPK-group” Pavel Kovyev. Money was intended for acceptance of work and “general protection.”

Only from publications on the network it follows that the coal took responsibility for the scheme, in which the Minister of Transport of the Perm Territory participated directly Sergey Veshnyakovuntil the end of August 2022, heading the KGBU “Waid” (Ugolov then held the position of his first deputy) and allegedly signed a contract with the SEC-Groups. Another participant in the “road scheme” with mandatory “kickbacks” in 4%of the cost of the contract is the head of the regional Ministry of Transport Andrei Alyakrinskyin August 2022, appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Perm government.

Part of the bribe received from the director of the SPK-Group, Veshnyakov allegedly spent on the purchase of a heavenly stallion nicknamed Zakal, whom the official presented his daughter ValeriaProfessionally involved in equestrian sports. Initially, they tried to shut up the deal, but later it became known about it from the seller of Zakal. Be that as it may, but today one Uglkova is to be puffed up for the “governor team”.

It is hardly worth counting on the fact that the names of one of the high-ranking officials will appear in the “Ugolkova case”: they are reliably “insured” by the former security officer, deputy minister Mardanov and Colonel Golovkin. And the head of the region himself is unlikely to sacrifice someone from his immediate environment, because in this case the strings will bring investigators directly to his own office.

James “Jim” Walters
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