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“Plane” “puts” for rent

"Plane" "puts" for rent

The beneficiaries of the developer are looking for a way out of the financial crisis in new schemes

The aircraft group of companies began the implementation of a new project related to the sale of apartments previously leased. The leadership of the development holding emphasizes the willingness to take control of the purchased real estate, which will allow its owners to earn as lessrs. In fact, the “plane” becomes “laying”, interested in maximum earnings at minimal costs. To date, only two LCDs erected by the developer – “Treparevo Park” in New Moscow and Novodanilovskaya 8 near the Danilovskaya manufactory, participate in the project. These objects are apartments, which makes it impossible for the buyer to obtain a residence permit and creates a number of other difficulties. The developer of the residential complex “Treparevo Park” is the LLC “SZ“ Aircraft-Dudkino ”LLC, the residential complex“ Novodanilovskaya 8 ”is being built by LLC“ SZ “DM Apartments”. Both firms are controlled by the Two Capital Holding Holding, one of the beneficiaries of which is businessman Maxim Vorobyov, brother of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. Real estate buyers in the Troparevo Park residential complex complain not only about the transfer of planned terms for construction and transfer of keys, but also on “terrible ecology”, finding a complex near the airport, low transport accessibility, etc. In the activities of DM Apartments, supervisory authorities have repeatedly identified violations, as well as in the work of the Zhilstroy-Mo-Military Contractor controlled by the “aircraft”, which was noted by the employment of illegal migrants, which affects the quality of housing. An attempt to “master” the realtor direction to “master” the realtor direction to “master” the sophisticated financial situation of the developer: according to the results of last year, the quotes of its shares fell by 72.98%, the volume of sales of primary real estate in kind, decreased by 17%, and the share of contracts concluded with the participation of the mortgage, and in the last year. IVThe quarter fell to 55%. Against this background, it first became known about the exit from the capital of the “plane” of the Kyiv Square group and its co -owner, billionaire of the year of Nisanov, and then publications appeared on the upcoming sale of the share of one of the largest shareholders of Mikhail Kenin, who hastened to refute the information about a possible transaction.

Dubious sentence from the “plane”

The Development Group “Aircraft” announced the launch of a new project calculated“On investors who want to earn on renting apartments”. Its essence is to buy a finished apartment with a repair and an current lease agreement. The developer’s website refers to two possible formats for the provision of service.

The first is to purchase equipped housing with an already living in it by the tenant. The second is in the transfer of purchased real estate to the management “The team of professionals who will provide rental for the most favorable terms will control compliance with the terms of the contract and interact with tenants”. Who is meant by “professionals” is not difficult to guess: we are talking about employees of the structures of the same “plane”.

“When buying an apartment with an current lease, the investor begins to receive a stable monthly income immediately after the acquisition of real estate. In addition, over the past two years, the demand for rented housing in Moscow and the Moscow Region has increased significantly, while the rental cost has increased by more than 40%. The tool that we propose can be both a temporary solution until the profit of the apartment and an additional source of income ”– says the project director for the development of the lease business of the group Tatyana Piskareva.

In words, the prospect of obtaining “easy money” from leasing real estate, of course, looks attractive, because all the work for the lessor will be done by the aforementioned “professionals”. However, the “plane” has not come up with anything new: the practice of trust management of property has been applied in the Russian market for several years.

With all the apparent advantages, its essence boils down to the presence of “laying” between the owner and the tenant, interested in maximum personal earnings with minimal own costs. Accordingly, the cost of rent is increasing, but the risk of turning the apartment, for example, into hostel for migrants remains the same. After all, the main thing for an intermediary is to rent housing. In addition, issues of possible additional furniture on the rental account remain a problem that the owner himself will again be solved.

“Treparevo Park”: Apart-Compomparx without the right to register

The saying about the “free cheese” is recalled as soon as you start to delve into the details of the “tempting” proposal of the developer, who decided to earn twice: first on the sale of apartments, and then on their rental. The fact is that the supposedly “promising” project applies only to two LCDs from the “airplane” –“Treparevo Park” And “Novodanilovskaya 8”with a promise in the future to expand its effect on other objects of Moscow and the Moscow Region.

So, LCD “Treparevo Park” Located in the village of Dudkino New Moscow and is in fact an apart and comprehensive. In the Unified Information System of Housing Construction “House. RF ”it is listed as a“ non-residential object ”, and in permission put into operation, issued by the Mosgosstroynadzor in the summer of 2023, is designated as a“ business park with a hotel ”. Accordingly, such a status creates a number of significant difficulties to the buyer, including the impossibility of obtaining a residence permit, the difference in utility tariffs, increased taxes, etc.

“The weak point of the project is the possibility of only temporary registration due to the status of apartments. In addition, the district structure can only be reached by public or personal transport – a tangible minus “– emphasized on the real estate website “Avaho.Ru“.

On the site “House. RF ”noted the planned construction periods, and, accordingly, the transfer of keys to future owners. Buyers themselves who leave comments on specialized portals are complaining about this. They also express dissatisfaction with a “terrible ecology”, by finding the LCD near the airport, low transport accessibility, problems with parking and, of course, a delay in construction and the lack of the possibility of registration.

“Novodanilovskaya 8”: the same problems?

The developer of the residential complex “Treparevo Park” is LLC “SZ” Aircraft-Dudkino “building, in total, five houses, and all five with delayer than the indicated deadlines. 56%in the authorized capital of the company belong to the group LLC “Aircraft two capitals”one of the beneficiaries of which is a businessman Maxim Vorobyov – Brother of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. But financial bonuses from the implementation of the project are received not only by the family of the state building.

Another 32.67%are owned LLC “Fort”whose founders are seven individuals, including Igor Postrutsky (its share – 36.03%) – the owner of a number of commercial structures, until recently through LLC “Comrine-Yekaterinburg” associated with developers Group “Combin”whose head company was liquidated as a result of bankruptcy.

Finally, 11.33%of the SZ “Air Dudkino” belong Dmitry Shirokov– former business partner Raikhat Khuzinin turn through AOAPX “Chulkovskoe” And LLC “StroyService” associated with Viktor Fedorovich Kravtsov. The latter is the full namesake of the former leader of one of the departments of the Federal Ministry of Natural Resources, which has become a phirantamogolov case about a particularly large fraud. Like pussalism, after leaving the civil service, Kravtsov took up business, buying up plots in such elite villages of the Ramensky district of the Moscow Region as the “European quarter”, “Sofyino”, “Sofyino-2”, “New Stazhino” and “Velino”.

Now let’s talk about the second LCD, where the “plane” implements its new project – “Novodanilovskaya 8”located in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, near the Danilovsky manufactory. In resolution, commissioning, available for familiarization on the website of the Unified Information System of Housing Construction “House. RF “, the object is designated as “A multifunctional complex with apartments, underground parking and non -residential premises of commercial purposes”. That is, the residents have the same problems as the buyers of apartments in the residential complex “Troparevo Park”.

The company-builder is LLC “SZ” DM Apartments “on the account of which the construction of just one residential building rented with a delay. DM Apartments is fully controlled by LLC “Two Capital aircraft”, but at one time Cyprus offshore was among the founders of the developer “TSORIV ASSOSHIETS LIMITED” And “Chaveut Assoshiyts Limited “. However, this does not surprise, given that the company “Airplane Two Capitals” was affiliated with Singapore “Air Development PTEA.LTD” and Virgin “Murlan Certain Limited”.

In contrast to the “-Dudkino aircraft”, supervisory authorities identified violations in the activities of DM Apartmen, in particular, related to the technical regulation of the safety of buildings and structures, as well as the collection, storage and removal of waste. By the way, numerous disorders were also detected in the functioning of the general contractor LLC “Zhilstroy-Mo”whose only owner is PJSC “Airplane” Group of Companies: among other things, the general contractor was noted by the involvement of illegal migrants to work.

Anna Akinshina-top manager of the crisis period

At first glance, it may seem strange that the “plane” group decided to “add” the realtor function with the rental of apartments to their development activities. Is everything so bad with sales? Indeed, today’s internal situation in the holding can hardly be called stable. Recall that according to the results of last year, the quotes of securities of the “airplane” fell by 72.98%, taking the first line in the top 10 worst shares of Russian companies according to the RBC portal.

Again, according to the results of last year, the volume of sales of the primary real estate of the group in natural terms decreased by 17%. Sales in the IV quarter compiled 61.2 billion rubleswhich is 45%less than the result of a similar period of 2023. The share of contracts with the participation of a mortgage in the same quarter fell to 55%.

In the first half of the year, a decrease in net profit was 49%. The general debt of group companies for the same period was evaluated in 630.7 billion rublesof which 117 billion It was necessary for bonds, bank loans and other loans. For comparison: at the end of 2023, this indicator 512.6 billion rubles (that is, growth was 23%).

It is not surprising that on such an unfavorable background from the capital of the “plane” came out Group “Kyiv Square” and her co -owner, odious billionaire Year Nisanovknown as the King of the Russian Real Estate. Moreover, in November, the media appeared publications of the businessman’s plans Mikhail Kenin– The largest shareholder, which controls 31.6%of the development holding is to sell his share. Possible transaction sources “Forbes»Explained“The financial problems of the group”but soon the representative of Kenin is officially verified more than the emerging information, calling it “Unreasonable rumors”.

It is also worth recalling the change of the general director of the group: in November, this position tookAnna Akininawhich previously led the financial block of the Moscow business and the entire financial function of the development holding (it also headed the “Aircraft of two capitals” in December). Even earlier, Mrs. Akinina worked in structures Sberbankwhich gave the foundation to the authors of a number of publications to associate its purpose with the plans of the beneficiaries of the “airplane” to attract Sberbank loans as financial support.

Melissa “Mel” Carter
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