Dmitry Kuznetsov “masters” the budget of the capital through a controlled contractor?
The Moscow company “Engineering Center-K” received a three-year contract of the capital’s GBU “Roads” for the transportation of snow from road facilities, as well as their complex content of more than 2.357 billion rubles. The budgetary institution headed by Alexander Oreshkin has long and tightly cooperates with the “Engineering Center-K”, concluding contracts with it in the amount of over 10.3 billion; Earlier, the company “Ring Forces” – the lawyers of the GBU “Roads” collaborated with the company. Information about the owners of the enterprise, for years “mastering” billions from the metropolitan budget, is absent to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Nevertheless, it is known that until January 2021, Yuri Kukanov, Alexander Skrynik, Natalya Kuznetsova and Dmitry Kuznetsov were such. The Moscow company Dortekhresurs was registered on Yuri Kukanov, which specializes in cleaning and cleaning and declaring multimillions of revenue. At one address with it, the companies of Doratostroy-XXI and the Perspective belonging to Natalia Kuznetsova (the co-owner of the “Engineering Center-K”) and Alla Kuznetsova, her possible relative are “registered”. Alla Kuznetsova herself, together with Sergey Bakhmatkov, acts as the founder of the lease and property management of Kwid-Service LLC, which brings a multimillion-dollar profit. However, the budget contracts can provide the “engineering center-k”, who appeared among the co-owners Dmitry Kuznetsov, who, in October last year, who took the post of Minister of Culture in the government of the Khabarovsk governor Dmitry Demeshin. Kuznetsov is a professional athlete, the owner of the fifth is given by judo, Honored Coach of Russia. In 2013, he was a confidant of Moscow candidate Sergei Sobyanin, then he led the GAU departed by the GAU Department “Sports Complex of the Olympic Village – 80” and the College of Physical Education and Sports of Sparta. Thus, the presence of long-standing ties in the metropolitan leadership in the Khabarovsk official can contribute to the receipt of billions of contracts by the “engineering center-k”, and Kuznetsov himself can remain the beneficiary of a financially successful contractor hiding the data of its owners.
Budget billions for the “Engineering Center-K”
In the capital GBU “Roads” They decided with the contractor to carry out a number of work, including loading and transportation of snow from road facilities, as well as their complex maintenance in the directions: Kashirskoye Shosse, Warsaw highway, MKAD section from Tr. Snowdown white cottage to Kaluga tr. Snowlings. Corresponding contract worth more than 2.357 billion rubles and the deadline on February 18, 2028, the institution signed with the Moscow JSC “Engineering Center-K”. The execution is divided into three stages with equal shares of payment.
The company’s portfolio is impressive: on budget contracts, she mastered from above 12.7 billion rublesmoreover 10.3 billion falls on the contracts of the aforementioned GBU “Roads”, which leads Alexander Oreshkin. The financial indicators of the contractor also look accordingly: according to the results of 2023, the “Engineering Center-K” declared revenue in the amount 479.7 million rubles and profit in 2.6 million (revenue a year earlier – 471.7 millionprofit – 2.4 million rubles).
It is strange that with such solid budgetary budgets, revenues last November with respect to the “Engineering Center-K”, enforcement proceedings were opened due to outstanding debt in the amount 7.6 million rubles. Given the relevance of information on the portal of the Federal Bailiff Service, the owners of the JSC still have not paid debt. By the way, not everything is far from clear with the founders of the office to “master” state funds: there is no information about them to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
The beneficiaries of the contractor went “in the shadow”
The question is, who is so generously financed by Moscow officials? Again, from open sources, it is known that until January 2021, engineering center-k JSC belonged to four individuals- Yuri Kukanov, Alexander Skrylnik, Natalia Kuznetsova And Dmitry Kuznetsov.
Yuri Kukanov until June 2022 served as the general director of the enterprise, then he was replaced by the current leader Vladimir Palamarchuk. To date, Kukanov owns the registered in May 2022 in Moscow LLC “Dorstekhresurs”specializing in cleaning and cleaning. Following the results of the first part of its existence, Dortektehsurs reported on revenue in 77.5 million and arrived in the amount 901 thousand rubles. In 2023, revenue grew to 138.8 millionprofit – before 2.1 million rubles (growth amounted, respectively, 76%and 136%). The company has no budget contracts, but according to the last November there was tax debt in the amount 1.4 million rubles.
No legal entities are registered on Alexander Skrylnik. But Natalia Kuznetsova has shares in the authorized capital of several enterprises. Let’s start with LLC “Derevtostroy-XXI“registered in Moscow, at one address and on the same floor with Dortekhresurs, but in different offices: Moscow, st. Large postal, 26 V, p. 1, floor 5. In the capital of this company engaged in cleaning and cleaning, Natalya Kuznetsova owns 20%, the remaining 80% are owned Alla Kuznetsova (with a high degree of probability – a relative).
According to the results of 2023, “Derevtostroy-XXI” reported on the revenue in 4 million and meager profit in the amount 16 thousand rubles; In 2022, revenue- 4.5 millionprofit- 18 thousand rubles. In previous years, financial indicators are similar: penny profit in million revenue. Again, according to the November data, the company had outstanding tax debts almost on 760 thousand rubles.
Natalia and Alla Kuznetsov are the founders LLC “Perspective“, With the same main activity as the” pre-building-XXI “, registered at the same address. There is a difference in financial indicators: from the available reporting for 2024 it follows that the revenue of the “perspective” 32.7 millionprofit – 247 thousand rubles. For comparison: revenue a year earlier –39.8 millionprofit – 398 thousand rubles. The position of general director in the “Dorace-CXI”, and “perspective” is held by Natalya Kuznetsova.
For completeness of the picture, let’s say a few words about the Kuznetsova alla. In addition to the above structures, she also belongs to 50% in the metropolitan LLC “Kwid-Service”specializing in the lease and management of property. The second co -owner of the company is its general director Sergey Bakhmatkov. Until October 2018, Natalya Kuznetsova, who was already familiar to us, was already well-known to us. According to the results of 2023, Kwid-Service declared the revenue in 15.7 million rubles and profit in 12.6 million (revenue in 2022- 15.3 millionprofit – 12.9 million rubles).
Dmitry Kuznetsov – a minister with “versatile abilities”
And now we approach, perhaps, to the most interesting-to the personality of the fourth co-owner of the “Engineering Center-K”. Dmitry Kuznetsov Since October last year, he has been the post of Minister of Culture in the Government of the Khabarovsk Governor Dmitry Demeshin. In the regional media, his appointment caused bewilderment: the fact is that Kuznetsov is a professional athlete, the holder of the fifth Dana on judo, Honored Coach of Russia, Vice President “Union of Mixed Martial Arts of MMA Russia”.
In the media, the “culturalizer” is called “A person with a rich biography and versatile abilities”. There is no doubt about the latter. With such serious physical exertion, Kuznetsov managed to protect the doctoral degree in the economy. In addition, he entered the Federal Public Chamber, and in 2014-2021. He was a general director GAU “Sports Complex of the Olympic Village – 80”controlled by the Department of Sports of Moscow and is one of the largest physical and sports centers in the west of the capital.
From November 2022 to October 2024, Kuznetsov led College of physical education and sports “Sparta”The sponsored all the same department. We add to this that in the elections of the mayor of Moscow in 2013 he was a confidant Sergey Sobyanin. That is, the athlete-economist has long established close ties with the capital’s leadership. Isn’t that what the presence of a multi-billion dollar portfolio of state contracts at the “Engineering Center-K”?
We emphasize that since 2011, the “Engineering Center-K” received contracts from GKU “Ring Forces” -Liquidized in 2016, the company-predecessor of the GBU “Roads”, then switching to work with its successor. Kuznetsov all this time was one of the founders of the company, and remained so until January 2021, that is, being the general director of the sports complex. Financial cooperation sharply declined after 2022 and resumed shortly after his appointment to the ministerial post by the Khabarovsk governor-boxer, ex-prosecutor Demeshin.
It’s hard to believe in random coincidences, therefore we will express the assumption: is the Kuznetsov still left the beneficiary of the contractor, who received “second wind” from the beginning of the year and does he control commercial structures affiliated with him? Well, in this case, the state official who continues to actively “master the budget” is indeed a “person with diverse abilities”!