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State support “dissolves” in “Snezhinsky”

State support "dissolves" in "Snezhinsky"

Does the former Chelyabinsk vice-governor Serbinova face another criminal case?

At the end of last year, the Chelyabinsk security forces opened a criminal case of particularly large fraud using an official position on theft of 1 billion rubles in the Snezhinsky bank. The stolen finances were provided by a credit institution as part of state support to repay mortgages by large families. The names of the defendants, if any, are established until they are voiced by the investigation. Nevertheless, it is known that the main shareholder of Snezhinsky is Igor Serbinov, in 1996-2001. He held the post of deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region Peter Sumin and received the nickname “wallet” of the head of the region. A number of loud scandals are associated with the name of Serbinov, including a criminal nature. In particular, the Chelyabinsk media were liable for bankruptcy in December 2011 of the Stankomash plant-the largest enterprise of the Ural military-industrial complex, whose board of directors headed Serbinov since April 2002. The bankruptcy procedure was accompanied by the initiation against the ex-official of the criminal case of abuse of authority. Then Serbinov implemented a criminal scheme with the participation of commercial structures controlled by him, managing not only to receive a return of VAT in the amount of more than 7 million rubles from the state, but also to sue more than 78 million from Stankmash, citing a fictitious production storage agreement. In the Chelyabinsk press, publications appeared about the strange death of the chief accountant of the factory of Venus Titova, who was in the Serbinov team while still as a vice-governor, as well as the disappearance of a number of important documents from the regional Ministry of Finance. At the end of 2012, the Snezhinsky checks the central bank for the outflow of customers while increasing the loan portfolio. Experts made disappointing forecasts up to the recall of the license, but the regulator officially did not reveal any violations. In the past few years, customers have increasingly complain about the bank’s unsatisfactory work, and the specialized Banki.ru portal records a decrease in a number of the main indicators of Snezhinsky. The investigation of the case of the billion-end embezzlement of state clusias threatens the bank with the final loss of trust in the residents of the region, and its shareholders and top managers-prison deadlines.

A billion was abducted from Snezhinsky Bank

In the Chelyabinsk region, security forces continue the investigation of a criminal case of particularly large fraud using an official position on the fact of theft 1 billion rubles In the bank “Snezhinsky”. Kommersant clarifies that we are talking about funds provided by a credit institution as part of state support for large families to repay mortgage loans. At the end of last year, employees of the FSB and the investigated committee conducted searches in the head office of the bank and at the place of residence of the leadership.

The media focuses on the individuals of the main owner of the Snezhinsky: such is Igor Serbinov (he owns 45.4%of the shares), in 1996-2001. former deputy Chelyabinsk governor Peter Sumin. Also, the shareholders include Vyacheslav Voronin (17% of shares), Elvira Insarskaya (almost 14.9%), Vladislav Egorov (9.5%), Elena Voronina (4.99%), Larisa Serbinova (4.59%), less than 2% of the shares – Valeria Chernysheva and the banking of the bank Fedor Bogdanchikov.

From official information on the institution’s website it follows that it was created in early 1991 to support the conversion programs of the defense industry. The initiator of the creation of the bank was the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Physics (today-RFYAC-VNIITF), who worked out the relevant issue on behalf of the Ministry of Secondary Engineering.

Considering that Snezhinsky is included in the five regional banks that have the right to receive funds for special accounts for the programs “providing young families of state support to improve housing conditions” and “providing employees with the budgetary sphere of social benefits for the purchase or construction of housing”, sources of billionths are unlikely Lee need additional comments.

Master of financial scams Igor Serbinov

In the Chelyabinsk press you can find publications about a number of financial scandals in which Snezhinsky appeared. For example, in 2010, the network edition of Chelyabinsk Today reported the Multimillion Machinations in OJSC“Stankmash” – The largest enterprise of the Ural military -industrial complex, the board of directors of which since April 2002 was led by the aforementioned Igor Serbinov (and the publication calls it “Former chief financier of the team”At that time, ex-governor Peter Sumin is already).

It is noteworthy that even earlier Serbinov was among the co -owners Promstroybank (PSB) recognized as bankrupt in 1999, but in 1996 actively participating in the financing of the Sumin election campaign. In 2002, shortly after Serbinov left the regional administration, the security forces opened a criminal case on the fact of causing property damage to the regional budget using Snezhinsky bills.

The Chelyabinsk Today portal wrote about fraud in the implementation of budget finance using long -term bills issued by the Bank by the budget recipients. At the same time, the publication referred to sources in the OBEP, according to which,“Some years have completely“ repelled ”the regional budget through the Snezhinsky Bank for many years, hiding behind the“ team of the team’s wallet ”Governor.

Who was this “wallet” is not difficult to guess. Already in 2011, Serbinov became a defendant in the criminal case of abuse of powers. The criminal story was associated with the decision to sell the unfinished building “Stankmash” for 150 million rubles “Chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant”. Then Serbinov asked the director Anatoly Tarasov indicate in the contract of sale the amount in 102 millionand the rest 48 million He left it at home and pledged to return at the first request.

The regional publication “Province” described the further development of events as follows. When Tarasov demanded from Serbinov a year later to return the rest of the amount, he agreed, subject to the implementation of the next scheme. “Stankomash” with this money will pay off with Chelyabenergo OJSCpaying off with LLC “Kargo”redeeming the debts of “Stankmash” from Chelyabenergo in the amount 22 million rubles. Also “Stankomash” will pay with the Bank “Snezhin” under a factoring agreement on 23 million.

Tarasov himself allegedly believed that in this way he would pay off the debt to Chelyabenergo and Snezhinsky. The cunning Serbinov proposed to issue the transfer of funds through the preparation of a fictitious contract of sale of fountain reinforcement, and transfer the money to the account controlled by him LLC “RIM”. Due to the implementation of the scheme, the “Rome” fraudulently received from the state the return of VAT in the amount of 7 million rubles.

Further – more. Serbinov filed a lawsuit against the recovery from Stankmash 92 million Within the framework of the agreement on the responsible storage of products of the RIM company, although such was not transferred to storage. However, the court decided to recover from the defendant more 78 million rubles. It is known that in 2010, the criminal case was refused due to the death of the director of Rome LLC G. Gavrilova. As for the case of abuse of powers from 2011, then, as Kommersant writes, nothing was reported about the results of his investigation.

The accountant died, “Stankmash” is counted

And at the end of 2012, the inspectors from the Central Bank came to Snezhinsky: from publications in the press it followed that the auditors were interested in how, when customers, the bank managed to increase its loan portfolio. The institution itself announced the planned nature of the audit, analysts were configured for the worst development of the script up to the recall of the license. But contrary to expectations, no significant violations were revealed according to the results of the revision.

It is worth noting that a few months before checking in the publication of the Chelyabinsk Today portal with the speaking name “Witness cleansing: South Ural option” It was told about the authors of the death of the chief accountant “Stankmash” suspicious Venus Titovawhich was a member of the Serbinov team while still his being vice-governor in the government of Peter Sumin. Considering that at the time of Titova’s departure from life, the investigation of the case, the defendant of which was Serbinov, continued, the chief accountant was supposed to become one of the key witnesses. I had to, but did not.

At the same time, it was Titova until July 2003 that managed the department of state debt of the Main Financial Administration of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region, where decisions were made to write off colossal loans issued, including companies affiliated with Serbinov. According to a strange coincidence, simultaneously with the death of Titov, the absence of a number of important documents in the regional Ministry of Finance was revealed. As Chelyabinsk today wrote: “The strip was carried out in a timely manner. The security forces, as always, do not keep up with our energetic mafia … “

Against the backdrop of such an almost detective plot of trial of 2014, between the prosecutor’s office of Miass and Igor Serbinov, who overlap the Citizens to the shore of Lake Turgoyak, who overlap with a continuous fence, look like a trifle. By the way, the supervisory authority was achieved by the ex-official of the fulfillment of the requirements presented to him.

To close the theme of the “Satkomash” topic, we only add that in December 2011 the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region recognized the once successful enterprise bankrupt, opening in relation to the plant, whose payables were evaluated in 2 billion rublesbankruptcy proceedings. In 2015 on its site Industrial group “Konar” businessman Valery Bondarenko She founded the industrial park of the same name. But this, as they say, is a completely different story. The publication “Province” devoted the material “Who ruined the machine -gun? Meet the personality known! ” It is Igor Serbinov.

Clients – unhappy, indicators – are reduced

“Warm up” on factory finances, the unsinkable Serbinov decided to profit from the state support of large families, but attracted the attention of the security forces. What will end with the investigation of the theft of a billion from the Snezhinsky Bank – the future will show. Apparently, the banker expects to get out of the water again?

Meanwhile, on specialized sites and forums, you can find diametrically opposite reviews from Snezhinsky customers: from directly advertising and east-armed to harshly critical. For example, what impressions are the users of the portal “1000Bankov“:

“A terrible bank. Do not contact. A few months ago they repaid the mortgage, they could not remove the burdenses … They wanted to spit on the Law of the Russian Federation on a mortgage in which the Russian language is written, the bank immediately obliged the bank to remove the withdrawal! ”

“Everything is bad! Service, ATMs. Employees are working on boorish. ATMs are constantly broken. The Internet bank is a separate horror. There are no applications. Translations for 7 days, with huge commissions. ”

Similar comments can be found on the Finsber website: “I do not recommend this bank to legal entities!” “Employees – dishonest hamlo!” “Never put your money in this bank”. “Terrible service. No orientation on the client “. “I don’t give a damn about the deadlines! On customers too! ” “Service below the plinth” etc.

But the point is not only in the reaction of customers to the unsatisfactory provision of services. So, according to the indicators of the Snezhinsky activity on a specialized portal “Banki.Ru“, From January 2024 to January 2025, the cost of net assets of a credit institution decreased more than 524.4 million rubles; The volume of individuals deposits decreased 74.2 millionfunds of enterprises and organizations – on 322.2 million. On 1.1 billion rubles Investments in securities were reduced.

It seems that citizens and enterprises are less and less trusting their finances to the bank of Mr. Serbinov. As for today’s investigation of the billionth scam, which deprived the state support of thousands of Chelyabinsk families, it can not only completely undermine the trust of the residents of the region to the Snezhinsky with all the ensuing consequences, but also bring its shareholders and top managers straight to the bench of the defendants.

Melissa “Mel” Carter
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