Is the scandalous IT company not responsible for the safety of data from its client?
The information structure of the businessman Philip Genses of Lanter and Lan ATMSService included in the Lanit group can be compromised as a result of a large -scale hacker attack. Despite the fact that the press service It-Holding declare the absence of personal data leakage, the FSB and the Central Bank were recommended by credit and financial organizations “as soon as possible change passwords and keys to access their systems operated in Lanit data processing centers. Meanwhile, the group itself, which receives billions of budget contracts, is closely connected with offshores, and its owner Philip Hens is a graduate of the University of Birmingham. The Lanter company, which has exposed to cyberataka, actively earns on state contracts. Its co -owner Andrei Arefiev is one of the founders of the city parking lot, registered in Krasnodar and under contracts with the mayor of the maintenance of paid parking meters. Until October 2023, one of the owners of the “city parking lots” was a deputy of the Krasnodar City Council Alexander Berdnikov, who previously led Lanit-South. The deputy mandate of Berdnikov was deprived of a loud scandal associated with the presence of an account with his wife in an Estonian bank. By a strange coincidence, the Estonian “trace” is also available in the biography of Maxim Liksutov-Vice-mayor of Moscow, head of the Department of Transport and the Development of Road Transport Infrastructure. The Moscow Parking Space Administrator controlled by the Department of the Moscow Parking Space is also actively cooperating with Lanter. At the same time, Liskutov himself had previously had Estonian citizenship and foreign assets, according to him, who went to his wife after a divorce. Speaking about the possible “compromise” of the Lanit group, one should not forget about numerous scandals related to its activities. In particular, on the criminal case of the ex-US energy minister Anatoly Tikhonov, who was found guilty of the embezzlement of more than 600 million rubles allocated from the state budget to create GIS TEK. Among others, together with Tikhonov, the former vice presidents of Lanita Vladimir Makarov and Viktor Serebryakov (full namesake of the co-owner of the Krasnodar “city parking”) were in the bench of the defendants.
Kiberataka for the Lanit group
The other day “National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents” (NKTSKI) at the FSB of the Russian Federation and Finzer of the Bank of Russia reported that the information infrastructure of subsidiaries of the Russian Lanin groups, “Perhaps it was compromised”What received notifications of credit and financial organizations about. The latter was recommended “As soon as possible change passwords and keys to access your systems operated in Lanit data processing centersas well as strengthen the monitoring of information security events in systems developed or served by the group.
“In the event that the development and software products of the Lanit group of companies are used in your infrastructure and Lanit engineers, remote access is provided to them, it is also recommended to change data for connection”– quote the text of the message “Vedomosti”.
Simply put, we are talking about large -scale cyberataka, the victims of which were companies “Lanter” And “Lan AtMervice”Included in the structure of “Lanita”. The press service of the group confirmed the information, while assuring that “The attacked segment was completely isolated from the Internet and other networks of the company”thanks to which it was possible “Avoid the spread to other infrastructure segments”as well as the services of partners and customers. The possibility of leakage of confidential data in “Linite” is excluded.
It is suggested that the ultimate goal of the attack of hackers could not be the information systems of the Lanit group, but the information systems of customers. That is, under the blow were “supply chains” and “trusted external channels of interaction”. As far as you can trust the soothing “pill” from Lanita is a big question. Especially taking into account its scandalous background and foreign ties.
“Daughters” and companions “Lanita”
To begin with, you should dwell on one of the companies affected by hacker actions. So, engaged in the development of computer software LLC “Lanter” registered in Moscow and earns well on budget contracts: a portfolio of contracts of the company exceeds 1.7 billion rubles. Among the largest customers are banksSber And VTB,GKU “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space”affiliated with VTB LLC “Multikarta” and others. According to the results of 2023, the company declared revenue in the amount 806 million and profit in 1.7 million rubles.
Co -owners of Lanter – metropolitan JSC “L.” (70%) and Andrey Arefiev (30%). The specializing in investments in securities and dealerships of L-X JSC does not disclose information about its founders. However, the issue of belonging to the company can be called the “secret of the Polinel”: it was registered no further, as in the last April, and its lawyer was liquidated in the same month Lanit-Holding JSCcontrolled by the owner of the group Philip Gensu.
With Andrei Arefiev, the situation is more interesting. The businessman is a long -time business partner of the Lanit group. In particular, together with L. JSC, he acts as a co-founder of two more commercial structures-firms “Lanter-Service” And “Parkservice”and in the authorized capital of each he belongs to 75%. In addition, Arefiev is one of the co -owners registered in Krasnodar LLC “City Parking” with a share of 89.47% (the remaining shares are distributed between Viktor Serebryakov And Dmitry Pereshera).
City Parking company tightly cooperates with the mayor of Krasnodar, engaged in the maintenance of paid parking lots: in total, it received from the municipal “Center for Monitoring of Road and Transport” contracts for the amount from above 424.3 million rubles. The current contract expires in December 2025.
The successful Krasnodar contractor was also affiliated with the Lanit group: until October 2023, the number of its founders included Lanter and Lanit-Holding, already familiar to us. Another former co -owner Alexander Berdnikovde jure, who left the capital of the “city parking lots” in December 2023, and even earlier led the company “Lanit-yug”– Krasnodar “daughter” of Lanita.
Being a deputy of the City Duma of Krasnodar, United Russia Berdnikov in March 2023 lost his mandate and was excluded from the party in power for a gross violation of anti -corruption legislation. The reason was the wife of a folk chosen one of a credit account in one of the Estonian banks, who, allegedly, could not be closed first due to the pandemic, and then because of his beginning. It is noteworthy that the relatives of the wife of the former deputy are currently living in Estonia, and herself, at the time of the scandal, belonged to five apartments in this Baltic Republic.
Estonian “traces” and offshore ties
Let’s get back to the Lanter company. As mentioned above, one of its main customers is “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (GKU “AMPP”) from which contracts have been received more than 101.3 million rubles. AMPP controlled by the capital Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructurewhich since 2012 has been led by Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov.
It is noteworthy that Liksutov was born in Estonia, according to the publication of the Free Press, the official’s sister lives in Talin today. There, Liksutov began to engage in business, having received Estonian citizenship in 2005 with the wording “for contribution to the development of the economy”, from which, according to the official version, he refused in 2011.
In 2014, there was a scandal associated with the advent of publications on the Estonian assets of Liskutov. Then, the transport department was refuted by those, and the vice-mayor himself said that all foreign property after the divorce had departed to his ex-wife Tatyana, who is an Estonian citizen. By the way, a year earlier the media wrote about Tatyana Liksutova like about “The most wealthy woman of Estonia”evaluating her condition in 103.6 million euros. However, the press sounded in the press about the fictitious nature of the divorce, and Liksutov was forced to refute it.
The presence of an “Estonian trace” in the biographies of the capital’s official Liksutov and the former Krasnodar deputy Berdnikov, in the context of their connections with the Lanit group, is a curious coincidence. Especially taking into account the interest in Estonia from domestic IT companies. For example, after the start of it, the Russian brand of smartphones and the button phones of the Chinese assembly Inoi He left the Russian Federation and began to position himself as Estonian.
However, the Lanit group has its own long -standing offshore ties. So, the official owner of Lanit-Holding LLC was a Cyprus offshore liquidated last April “Deson Finance LTD”. From the materials of the trials, you can find out that Philip Gene At one time he had a power of attorney to represent the interests of Cyprus “CornerspokeHOldingsL.Imited “. Among the assets of the Hens, we find a Moscow unprofitable company “Ritwell Capital”whose second co -owner is Cyprus “Skillmate Investments Limited”.
Criminal case of Deputy Minister Tikhonov
In general, offshore is offshore. In addition, Philip Gens himself is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Birmingham. In such circumstances, not only the recent cyberataka can compromise Lanit, but all its many years of activity. Back in 2006, the company “lit up” in a scandal with the theft of funds allocated for the purchase of computer equipment for the Russian Pension Fund. In December 2017, searches related to contracts and agreements in 2012 for the supply of IBM servers, equipment and software in a total of more than more than more than more than more than on 1.55 billion rubles.
But, of course, the most famous scandal from the participation of the Lanit group is a criminal case of embezzlement in 2014-2018. 600 million rublesallocated by the Federal Ministry of Energy to create a state information system of the fuel and energy system (GIS TEK). The former deputy minister of energy was his main person involved Anatoly TikhonovArrested in 2022. In the last March, the Meshchansky court of Moscow sentenced him to five years and four months in prison, but freed him from punishment, since the ex-official had already left him in jail. However, Tikhonov will have to pay a fine in 500 million and civil lawsuit in the amount of about 272 million rubles.
Together with the ex-minister, his civilian wife was in the dock Valeria Kovalenkoformer adviser Roman Ryzhkoventrepreneur Elena Golovkothe head of the company “Endel” Igor Udantsev and former vice presidents of Lanita Vladimir Makarov And Victor Serebryakov. The latter, by the way, is the full namesake of the above -mentioned co -owner of the Krasnodar LLC City Parking. All of them received conditional terms.
The contract for the creation of GIS TEK went to Lanin in 2014, and in 2016 they signed acts of the work performed, which were paid but not completed. At that time, the company belonged to the father of its owner today George Gensu. A version was voiced in the media, according to which he could transfer to Tikhonov a multimillion -dollar bribe for signing a contract with him createdIt-Higigant. However, the General Sr. died in 2018 at the Kamchatka ski resort, and his name eventually did not appear in the case. “Lanin” inherited by Philip, who continued to “master” budget billions on state contracts. As for the ill -fated GIS FEC, back in 2021, the Ministry of Energy refused it for the new “national energy platform”.
In general, everyone should be satisfied: customers, performers, and taking into account the soft sentence and convicts … It is surprising that one of the most successful domestic IT companies cannot protect itself and their business partners from hacker attacks. Were the data of customers of Russian banks in one of the unfriendly countries? For example, in the same Estonia?