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From the Askpender family – Developer Gordeev

From the Askpender family - Developer Gordeev

Relatives of deputy Zaura Askenderov sell the land of the Moscow plant through the nominal nominal?

The PIK group Sergei Gordeev through the company, which was controlled by the company “Specialized Developer Mahaon”, increased its land bank, redeeming a plot of 3.3 hectares located on the Leningrad highway, in the left -bank district of Moscow. The seller of the territory where already this year is planned to build a business class residential complex, the Kin Moscow Wine-Konyachny Plant, who had previously sold the “peak” of 3.4 hectares in Ilyinsky-Usovo near the Krasnogorsky Moscow Region, was planned. The Kin plant, which was part of the five largest Russian manufacturers of cognac, gained fame thanks to the cognac brands “Kinovsky” and “Old City”. De Jure, an enterprise receiving billions of revenue, belongs to the businessman Ilham Araz Araz oglu Mehdiev (25%) and the Lachung company (75%) of Alexei and Tatyana Lavrov. The latter were included in the capital of LASHUNG LLC in 2017-2021, before that the company belonged to Renat Askender, the brother of the former State Duma deputy, the current chairman of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Zaur Askenderov, who may be the actual beneficiary of Kin and transactions with its assets. Even before the election to the parliament, Zaur Askenders served as the general director and was one of the co-owners of Kin, previously called the “Usovsky Vinno-Konyak basins”, in addition, he belonged to the share of LLC “Lachunga”. In January 2022, shortly after a sharp decrease in the financial indicators of the plant and the volume of products it was noted, it became known about the purchase of Kin by a group of companies Alvis, the head structure of which belongs to Camille Askender, the brother of the Dagestan parliamentarian. Despite the fact that the deputy mandate forbade Zaur Askender to engage in business, in 2013 it became known that he is a managing partner of the Jennet Civil Society (SCI), registered in France, and according to the French Ministry of Finance, SCI is actively involved in “washing” schemes. In addition, as a deputy, the ascackers were noted as a lobby for the interests of Senator Suleiman Kerimov, with whose trusted people his family led a common bookmaker business.

“Peak” increases the land bank at the expense of “KIN”

Affiliated with developers Group “Peak” company “Specialized developer” Mahaon “ She became the owner of a land plot with an area of ​​3.3 hectares on the Leningrad highway, in the left -bank district of Moscow. According to Vedomosti, in the purchased territory of the developer “Forma” (included in the structure of the “peak”) will erect a residential complex of business class, and the implementation of the project can begin this year.

The seller acted Moskovsky Vinno-Konyachny Plant “Kin”located on this site until 2021, founded in Khimki back in 1940, and in our time gained fame as a manufacturer of cognac under the brands “Kinovsky” and “Old City”. In September 2021, Kommersant wrote about the closure of production on the Leningrad highway and localizing the production of Kinovsky brand at the 1911 Tula distillery. The reason was the policy of the capital’s city hall to transfer production outside the city and the need to optimize costs.

Until 2021, inclusive, Kin was a member of the five largest Russian cognac producers. Last April, the media appeared in the media that since the spring of 2022, the plant has been in the liquidation stage, and the production of cognac brands “Old City” and “A. Berzherac ”and Vodka“ Matryoshka ”and“ Katyusha ”plans to resume the Togliatti plant “Rosinka Distilleri”who received the appropriate declarations.

A transaction with a land plot in the left -bank district is not the only one between the structures of PIK and Kin: in September 2023 it became known about the purchase of a company controlled by the developer “Coronella” parts of the factory territory located in Ilyinsky-Usovo near Moscow, Krasnogorsk. It was about a plot of 3.4 hectares with construction prospects up to 140 thousand square meters of residential real estate.

Businessman Mehdiev and Lachung company

Despite reports of the liquidation and sale of assets, judging by the financial indicators of Kin’s VKZ LLC, it is unlikely to experience monetary difficulties: according to the results of 2023, the revenue of the enterprise amounted to 4 billionnet profit – 220.4 million rubles (for comparison: revenue a year earlier – 3.8 billionprofit – 84.2 million rubles).

The co-owners of the wine-konyal plant are LLC “Lachunga” (75%) and businessman Ilham araz oglu Mehdiev(25%). The latter on the network is attributed to family ties with Araz Mehdiev – the owner of a share in a number of commercial structures included in Group “Kyiv Square” odious “kings of Russian real estate” Years of Nisanova And Zarakha Ilievaclosely related to the capital’s mayor. If merchants are really relatives, then this fact gives the transaction a special “flavor”.

Moscow company “Lachunga”, registered in 2001, belongs AlexeiAnd Tatyana Lavrov. There is no doubt in their family connection, but this tandem may well play the role of the nominal owner of the asset. The fact is that Alexei Lavrov received his share in October 2017 from Renata AskenderovaWe will talk about below.

The company’s financial indicators are not stable. So, according to the results of 2023, she had no revenue, and net profit was just 14 thousand rubles. A year earlier the situation looked a little different: in the absence of revenue, a profit in the amount was declared 1.4 million rubles; In 2021, revenue is zero, net profit- 1.2 million.

Again, on the Web, you can find mention of the criminal past of Alexei Lavrov before it enters the capital of LLC Lachung and even about the allegedly available a number of articles of the Criminal Code: for theft, fraud, theft, tax evasion and, in appendage, illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic substances.

The Alvis group is aimed at the “cellars”

Be that as it may, but in 2017, Lavrov was among the founders of the Lachung company, which was the owner of Kin, then bore another name- LLC “Usovskiy Vinno-Konyachkaya Celles”. By the way, until May 2021, the owner of the enterprise was the Cyprus offshore. “PEkfordEnterprises Limited “and Lavrov himself today holds the post of CEO of Kin.

It is noteworthy that in 2020 the plant reduced the volume of products compared to the previous period: from 744.21 thousand to 721.9 thousand. Then financial indicators sharply decreased: revenue – with 3 billion In 2019 to 1.6 billion in 2020, profit, respectively, with 30.2 million to 18.5 million rubles. In 2021, this trend continued: the revenue was 1.1 billionprofit – 9.8 million rubles.

And soon the media reported on the upcoming transaction to acquire the “Usovsky wine-konyak basements” Group of companies “Alvisa”at that time owning the Stavropol Wine-Konyachny Plant, Mineralovodsk Vinogical Wine Mineralovod, as well as enterprises for the production of cognac alcohols and wine materials in Spain. Alvisa gained fame as the manufacturer of the Elderity Cognac, whiskey Nucky Tompson and Glen Eagles , vodka “Montblanc” and Vermouth “Dlavasy”.

The head structure of the alcoholic holding – LLC “Alvisa Group” – belongs Camille Asevovich Askenderovthe share of 0.1% of the authorized capital is owned by his son Gereya. And now we recall that the owner of the Lachung company was Renat Asevovich Askpenders – The brother of Kamil Askender.

Considering that Lachung has been among the founders of Kin since December 2010, and Renat Askpenders was its co-owner until October 2017, the Moscow plant was previously under the control of the family. The transfer of a share of Lavrov suggests the inclusion in the scheme of the nominal owner. The official reason for the transaction was announced the desire of Alvisa’s beneficiaries to establish at the Moscow factory the spill of the previously acquired Kinovsky brand and bring the brand to the three leaders in the market with an annual production volume of more than 1 million.

The “shadow” beneficiary of Zaur Askenders?

It is worth emphasizing here that the owner of the Alvis group Kamil Askenders and de jure former founder of LAC LAST LLC Renat Askenders is the native brothers of the former deputy of the State Duma Zaura Asevovich Askenderovrepresenting the Republic of Dagestan in parliament VIVIIconvocations, and currently holding the post of chairman of the Dagestan People’s Assembly.

The stay of Zaur Askender in the federal parliament was marked by a loud scandal. In 2013, it became known that the deputy of the uniforms of the ascackers is listed as a managing partner of registered in 2010 in France, in the city of Kap-D’Ai on the Cote d’Azur, the legal entity-the Civil Society for Property Management (SCI) “Jennet”. A special piquancy of the situation was given by the fact that the special service of the French Ministry of Finance Tracfin has repeatedly called SCI one of the most convenient forms for laundering of finances.

However, the history of the media and the public has not at all embarrassed by the Acadenter, who retained the deputy mandate. It should be noted the long -standing interest of the parliamentarian in alcoholic business. Back in the early 2000s, he worked as a commercial director LLC “Vinno-Konyachny Plant” In mineral waters, in 2004-2006. He held the post of general director and was a co-owner of the “Usovsky Vinno-Konyak basins” already familiar to us, in 2007-2008. He led Kin.

In 2011-2012 Zaur Askpenders-vice president of the company Alvisa Management. He in 2003-2011. There was a share in LLC “Lachunga”. And then the parliamentary activity began, during which the aske holders “lit up” as a lobbyist of the interests of the beneficiaries of the alcohol industry (which, however, is not surprising).

At one time, the publication “Company” wrote about how Kerimov’s authorized person, ex-get director NAFTA Moscow Tatyana Bashmakova Together with Zaur Askenderov in 2017, they participated in the change of shareholders of the largest carrier “Business lines”that ended with the initiation of a criminal case against Mikhail Khabarova – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Alfa Capital. Another publication of the publication talked about the general bookmaker’s business of the Senator and the Askpender family.

In Telegram channels, you can read about the daughter of Zaur Askenderov Jennet (In honor of her, apparently, the French company Jennet was named), which loves expensive jewelry, elite clubs in Monaco and rest in European resorts. Allegedly, Jennet Askender has a share in the Moscow Vinn Divine restaurant, and in addition, Germany’s citizenship, thanks to which the girl easily travels around the world.

Against the background of all of what has been said, the situation with the real beneficiaries of transactions for the sale of land plots of the Moscow plant “Kin” is clarified somewhat. It looks like an developer Sergey Gordeev I must say “thank you” not so much to Alexei and Tatyana Lavrov as to the “unsinkable” Dagestan policy and his family!

Melissa “Mel” Carter
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