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Kostin and Puchkov announce the sale!

Kostin and Puchkov announce the sale!

Does the VTB team “reanimate” OSK by implementing assets?

Soon after the transfer of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (OSK) to the VTB State Bank, the head of the credit institution Andrei Kostin told reporters about the sad results of the many years of the leadership of Alexei Rakhmanov: “A huge financial hole”, “deep technological lag” and “loss -making contracts”. In addition, Kostin denied the possibility of implementing the OSK real estate portfolio in the near future, emphasizing that this would not solve the entire complex of problems. Nevertheless, Andrei Puchkov, the first deputy chairman of the Board of VTB, had previously been engaged in the work with non -core and problem assets. And in the past May, it became known about the plans of the management of the OSK, in order to reduce costs, to implement non -core assets that do not have “prospects for long -term development”. And then a message appeared on the OSK website about the upcoming sale of 48 real estate objects with their detailed list belonging to the Zvezdochka, Amur shipbuilding plant, the Krasnomovo Sormovo, Khabarovsk Shipyard, etc. Land plots (including those intended for the placement of a sports and recreation camp in the city of Chkalovsk), non-residential buildings and premises, even several passenger ships are put up for sale. Initiated by Kostin and Puchkov, the implementation of some of the non -core assets can only be the first step that continues the policy of large -scale sale of property of the OSK enterprises conducted by Alexei Rakhmanov. At the last, for example, the property complex of the Kronstadt Marine Plant was put up for auction in the historical center of St. Petersburg. In addition, the upcoming implementation of 25% of the shares of the Central Design Bureau Lazurit was reported, belonging to the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. Kostin himself categorically denied the possible sale of the St. Petersburg Baltic Plant, without hiding that applicants were already found on him.

Banker Kostin and “Financial Pyramid” OSK

Transfer controlled by the Federal Government “United shipbuilding corporation” (OSK) for the Office of the State Bank VTB for a period of five years took place in October 2023 on the basis of a special presidential decree. Earlier, in August, Vladimir Putin He notified the upcoming transfer to the head of the credit institution Andrei Kostinemphasizing that at least OSK – “This is a working structure gaining pace”Nevertheless, it is connected with it “Many problems and questions”.

Claims to the general director of OSK Alexei RakhmanovThe headed corporation since 2014, at that time, has really been accumulated. And after Rakhmanov in August 2023 replaced the former first deputy chairman of the Board of VTB Andrey Puchkovthey should have appeared even more. What was worth, for example, the only statement of the head of the Directors of the OSK Kostin on the availability “Huge financial hole”And “Deep technological lag”.

“Almost all contracts are unprofitable. And the industry all the time on the state of the state … We were given six months to conduct an analysis of financial activities. Why six months and why the audit that was made earlier, the government and is not very happy with us? Because we realized that OSK does not have a single real financial statements, that it is not reliable, that is, we must take each enterprise and each ship in production and look at the effectiveness of this activity ”– Kostin said in an interview with the portal of RBC.

In his other speech to journalists, the banker will say that the last 10 years of OSK “Worked as a financial pyramid”. Information on the financial indicators of the corporation after 2015 was not published in open sources, however, it is known that she graduated from 2022 with a loss in the amount of the order 20 billion rublesor about 6%of the revenue. Rakhmanov himself explained such a “negative financial dynamics” by partial transfer of orders and a delay in the transfer of part of the courts due to the disruption of the supply of foreign component equipment. In general, Western sanctions and not otherwise are to blame for everything.

Corporation assets – for sale and rent!

During the aforementioned interview, the journalist of RBC was interested in Kostin with the possible implementation of the OSK real estate portfolio, in particular, the sale of the Baltic Plant in St. Petersburg, for which applicants were already found. The banker replied that the sale of assets “The problem will not solve”,“On the move”Nothing will be sold. And although the very idea of ​​privatization does not cause rejection of the president, “This is definitely not the task of today and even, perhaps, not tomorrow.”.

Recall that these words were said in September 2023. But if then Mr. Kostin was allegedly not going to sell anything, then today the situation has changed. In the last May, reports appeared in the media about the plans of the corporation’s leadership, in order to reduce costs, to implement non -core assets that do not have up to 2027. “Prospects for long -term development”And reduce “Excessive territories”.

What specific objects are we talking about – then it was not specified. By the way, the new Director General of the OSK Andrei Puchkov, who replaced the scandalous Rakhmanov, worked in VTB, including non -core and problem assets. Interestingly, is it not with such a specific specialization that its purpose is connected?

And before us, the message posted on the OSK website about the intention to immediately realize 48 real estate objects with its detailed list and the proposal to take part in negotiations on acquisition issues. The list has non -residential premises and entire buildings, land plots and even motor ships. For example, belonging The Center for Ship Repair “Stars” From Severodvinsk passenger ship “Artekovets” You can redeem for 12.202 million rubles.

The same Center “Stars” is selling passenger ship “Nikolai Starshinov” And “Saturn” value 897 thousand rubles Everyone, a OJSC “KMK” – Barge “Sevan”but its price is much higher – 70 million. It is also proposed to rent buildings of galvanic and sewing plots and woodworking workshops located in Sochi, respectively, for 361 thousand And 684.2 thousand rubles per month.

But located in Komsomolsk-on-Amur “Amur shipbuilding plant” (PJSC “Asz”) prepares to finally say goodbye to 11 non -residential premises with an area of ​​35 to 901 sq. Meter: all of them are put up for sale, but without indicating the cost. Apparently, as they say, bargaining is appropriate.

“Red Sormovo” says goodbye to a sports camp

Perhaps most of all, the Nizhny Novgorod shipbuilding plant fell under the distribution “Red Sormovo”. Among the non -core assets belonging to him, the corporation proposes to redeem, for example, a land plot in Nizhny Novgorod for the placement of communal and warehouse facilities with an area of ​​over 4.8 thousand square meters, estimated 8.671 million rubles. The enterprise and nine sites intended to accommodate the sports and recreation camp in the city of Chkalovsk are losing. Their area is from 240 to 8.4 thousand “squares”, cost – from 125 thousandto 2.6 million rubles. With the exception of one, they are located on the territory of the Purekhov forestry.

In the same Chkalovsk for 376.7 thousand rubles a pumping station with a land plot of 223 square meters is sold, and for 979.6 thousand– A transformer substation with a plot of 692 Square. For 7.339 million rubles A land plot was put up for sale for the placement of communal and warehouse facilities in Nizhny Novgorod with an area of ​​more than 4.2 thousand square meters.

“The auction of unprecedented generosity” will affect and“Khabarovsk shipbuilding plant”(JSC “KhSZ”). Here for 40.411 million rubles The corporation is ready to part with the 3-story building of the dining room with a total area of ​​2.5 thousand “squares”. For 150 million A hotel in a 5-storey apartment building in Vladivostok was put up for sale 2.4 thousand square meters, and for 41.788 million rubles– The property complex in Khabarovsk from two buildings with a land plot of 16.5 thousand “squares”.

In the same place, in Khabarovsk, land plots of industrial purposes are sold at 74.2 thousand square meters (price 174.514 million rubles), 26.8 “squares” (63 million) and 19.9 thousand “squares” (44.923 million). The main question arises when familiarizing themselves with these lots: will the Nizhny Novgorod and Khabarovsk lands under buildings be allowed as a result of the upcoming transactions? The fact that there is no longer any doubt about any children’s camp in Chkalovsk. Against such a background, renting Moscow office premises SKETBE JSC And non -residential premises SPO “Arctic” JSCIn Severodvinsk they look just penny.

Does Rakhmanova get a second wind?

Of course, the sale of OSK assets did not begin yesterday and not today. Here it will be appropriate to recall the long -standing plans of the corporation’s leadership to implement 25%of the shares Central Design Bureau (Central Design Bureau) “Lazurit”belonging to the aforementioned Red Sormovo. According to information on the official website of the enterprise, Lazurit specializes not only in the design of ships, but also in the development of deep-sea rescue equipment, for which modern 3D modeling software and PLM systems are used.

Also, the Central Design Bureau is the only supplier of the Far Eastern shipbuilding cluster Rosneft. The latest information about the lazurite contracts, available on the network, is dated 2021. Nevertheless, it is known that the number of his customers included the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Education and Science and other federal institutions. However, even if there are budget contracts, “lapis lazuli” worked “in minus”. It is impossible to get acquainted with the financial indicators of the enterprise in recent years, they are not published. But we know that in 2018 its losses exceeded 216 million rublesin 2017, 196 millionin 2016- 16.6 million rubles etc.

I wonder if Mr. Kostin and his sponsored beams are going to change the situation? Last February, Vedomosti, with reference to its own sources in one of the design bureaus (possibly in Lazaiti?), Reported plans to invest in updating the Nizhny Novgorod shipyard Krasnoye Sormovo15 billion rubles. After that, by 2030, the plant will annually produce up to 20 dry loads, while today the capacities are designed for only 12. It seems that by selling property the new leadership of the corporation plans to partially reimburse expenses?

Above it was said about the sale of Sevan barge belonging KMK“The Kronstadt Marine Plant”. Back in 2022, Kommersant wrote about the upcoming auction, to which they put up the KMK property complex, located in the historical center of St. Petersburg, on the street. Petrovskaya, 2. Five land plots, with a total area of ​​1.1 hectares, and 12 non -residential buildings, with an area of ​​6.5 thousand “squares”, were part of the lot. Their initial cost was estimated at 110.2 million rubles.

You can, of course, argue that it was even with an unkind memory of Alexei Rachmanov. That’s just the starting sale of land, buildings and motor ships can become the beginning of a large -scale sale of assets of the OSK structures, which will follow larger objects. This, of course, is not a Baltic plant, which Kostin promised to “not take.” But who knows whether the banker ultimately contributes to the implementation of plans for the same “Rostatoma”aiming at the control package of shares of the St. Petersburg shipbuilding giant?

Melissa “Mel” Carter
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