The son of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs loses the port, but will make up in developing?
The Sakhalin Regional Arbitration left the Statement of the Kholmsk Sea Trade Port (HMTP) PJSC on the recognition of three decisions of the Federal Tax Service, which achieves the collection of tax debt for a total of more than 440 million rubles. The court saw a violation of the current legislation as submitting an application, providing PAO with the opportunity to eliminate them until April 3. These are far from the first proceedings between the KMTP and the tax department, which had previously achieved the bankruptcy of the Sakhalin port. There is no information about the owners of the HMTP in open sources, however, it is known from financial documents that at least last year, Rashid Nurgaliev, the son of Rashid Gumarovich Nurgaliev, the former Minister of Internal Affairs, who is currently holding the first deputy secretary of the Security Council. HMTP, is far from the only business businessman. Nurgaliev Jr. In particular, since 2021, it has been one of the co -owners of the Sakhalin Fisheries company DV Dobrybflot, in which the shares of Dmitry Puryakhovsky and CEO of KhMTP Yuri Freudis also belong. The full namesake of Freudis in 2015 was sentenced to three and a half years of a colony for bribery, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy and attempted fraud on an especially large scale. As part of the group of solvators, Freudis was engaged in the legalization of illegal Moscow real estate. The multimillion -dollar profit to Nurgaliev and his business partners Stanislav Danilov and Alexander Tokaev are brought by the Viscount and Viscount IT. The cooperation of the son of the ex-minister with the founder of the development group “Summer of the Elements” Georgy Pliev is promising: he belongs to the company-developer “2nd Krasnogvardeisky”. One of the assets of Pliev is the developer of the 1st Krasnogvardeisky, 10%of which is owned by Sberbank Investment LLC, and the leadership includes Anatoly Romtsov-the Capital Group Investment Director, a person from the team of the scandalously famous capital undergraduer Pavel Tyo.
Debts are collected from the Kholm port
On March 5, the Arbitration Court of the Sakhalin Region with its ruling left the application without movement PJSC Kholmsk Sea Trade Port (HMTP), which finishes the invalidation of three decisions of the Federal Tax Service on the recovery of tax debt in a total of more than more than 440.666 million rubles. The arbitration considered the application submitted in violation of the requirements of the current legislation, providing the plaintiff with the opportunity to eliminate them by April 3.
It is worth noting that the trials between the tax department and the KhMTP have been going on far from the first year. So, in the spring of 2021, the media wrote about the threat of bankruptcy that had hanged over the enterprise: the Federal Tax Service of the Sakhalin Region, which has achieved more than more than 100 millionth debt. However, attempts to bankrupt the enterprise were made earlier.
Satisfying the requirements of the Federal Tax Service, without a doubt, will negatively affect the financial situation of the HMTP, after last year a declared revenue in the amount of almost 300 million rubles and net profit in 27.6 million (In 2023, the revenue was 395.3 millionprofit – 36 million rubles). But in addition to the tax authorities, there are other creditors. For example, debt collection under a loan agreement with interest in the amount 19.1 million rubles Since December, the Moscow JSC “Petrosakh”.
Again last December, the company “Petrosykh Energy”registered in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the “subsidiary” structure of Petrosakh JSC, won the court to recover from HMTP 39.6 million rubles– debt under a loan agreement taken to close the debt to the same Federal Tax Service. It seems that the port leadership has a bad habit of holding money and “forget” to return it? By the way, in satisfaction of the oncoming claim of the KHMTP on 13.8 million rubles Sakhalin Regional Arbitration refused.
Rashid Nurgaliev – HMTP shareholder
A logical question: who is the owner of the enterprise that owes such large amounts? In open sources, there is no information about the founders of the Holmsk Sea Commercial Port. Only the general director is indicated: since October 2022, this position has been holding Yuri FreidisTo which we will return to. Nevertheless, in the explanation of the financial balance and the report on the financial results of PJSC for 2023, the shareholders of the enterprise are indicated. Among them, we find, for example, the Petrosh JSC, which is already familiar to us, liquidated last October with millions of losses LLC Energia Port And a number of legal entities and individuals.
The presence of HMTP directors among co -owners and members of the board of directors Rashida Rashidovich Nurgaliev – The son of the former Minister of the Interior Rashid Gumarovich Nurgalievin February 2023, a presidential decree appointed by First Deputy Secretary of the Security Council. However, “Forbes»Back in 2012, he wrote about Rashid Nurgaliev as about “Man Nikolai Patrusheva“.
However, to evaluate the activities of Nurgaliev Sr. as the minister is not included in our tasks. Let’s talk about the commercial activities of Rashid Rashidovich – his son, shareholder of the KhMTP, the owner or co -founder of numerous commercial structures. And here it is worth returning to the aforementioned Yuri Freudis – the general director of the seaport, which is also part of the Council of its directors.
Yuri Freudis is a businessman with a criminal past?
The fact is that Freidis is a business partner of Nurgaliev: they, as well as a businessman Dmitry Puryakhovskyowned by the company registered in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk “DV Dobrybflot”. According to the financial indicators for 2022 (the latter, available in open sources), the company did not bring any proceeds or profit.
An interesting circumstance. The name of Yuri Freudis (or his full namesake) was previously repeatedly mentioned in the media, and in the materials of the criminal chronicle. So, in the distant 2013, Izvestia wrote about the corruption scandal in the capital’s divisions of Rosreestr and Rostekhinventarization. It was about the detention by the security forces of the group of resolver, through acquaintances of officials helping businessmen in the preparation of permits for illegal buildings.
At that time, the legalization of 1 “square” of dubious real estate was estimated by scammers in 400-450 dollars. The defendants in the criminal case of mediation in bribery steel Victor Leonov, Yuri Sofronov And Yuri Freidis. In 2015, a publication appeared in the “Moscow Komsomolets” about the accusatory verdict issued by the Meshchansky court of Moscow Leonov, Sofronov and Freidis, found guilty of bribery, committed by a group of persons by preliminary conspiracy and attempted fraud on an especially large scale.
It was clarified that the previous qualification of the crime – “mediation in bribery” – was changed. As the investigation and the court established, Leonov received funds for registration of real estate, then transferred them to Freudis, and he, in turn, Sofronov, who had the necessary connections in the metropolitan administration of the Federal State Register Service. As a result, Leonov received four years in a general regime colony, Sofronov – three, Freudis – three and a half.
Nurgalieva firms: profitable and unprofitable
In addition to “DV Dobrybflot”, Nurgaliev Jr. has no joint commercial projects with Yuri Freudis. But there are enough others. For example, since May 2023 he owns 33.3% in the authorized capital of Moscow Viscount LLCspecializing in the “production of instruments, sensors, equipment and tools for measuring, control and testing.” The co -owners of Viscount also include Stanislav Danilov And Alexander Tokaev (He also holds the position of general director).
At the end of 2023, the company reported on revenue in 456.4 million rubles and clean profit in 160.4 million (revenue by gotom earlier – 259.5 millionprofit – 58.8 million rubles). Let us pay attention to the portfolio of the Viscount’s state contracts, which makes up near 73 million rublesand his main customer – PJSC “Mosenergo”.
In November 2022, Danilov and Tokaev registered another company in Moscow- “Viscount IT”engaged in the development of computer software. Nurgaliev was among its co -owners in November 2023 and did not lose: the revenue of Viscount IT LLC for 2024 64.8 million rublesnet profit – 37.5 million (for comparison: revenue a year earlier –32.1 millionprofit – 13.1 million rubles).
However, not all legal entities bring Nurgaliev million income. So, he is the only owner JSC “International Infrastructure Project”created in July 2023 with the main specialization – “Consulting on commercial activities and management.” In 2023, in the absence of revenue, the company went “in minus” on 1 million rubles.
The “International Infrastructure Project” has a “subsidiary” enterprise – Infrastructure Development LLCspecializing in airport and until October 2023, designed on Nurgaliev himself. It is still difficult for this company with finances: she graduated from 2023 with zero revenue and loss in the amount 11.5 million rubles.
Promising projects and promising companions
For a greater completeness of the picture, let’s say about several companies and business partners Rashid Nurgaliev Jr. In November 2023, he became the owner of the “registered” in Smolensk LLC “PROSSPEL”engaged in the production of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment. Its financial indicators for 2022-2023. – Zero.
Former founder “Speak” Alexander Chekalov Belongs a Moscow company “Modern climatic systems” (LLC “SCS”), specializing in wholesale trading machines and equipment. Revenue LLC SCS for 2023 amounted to 154.5 millionnet profit – 9.6 million rubles. Will the son of the ex-minister soon appear among the founders of this financially promising enterprise?
Zero revenue and loss in size 35.3 million rubles According to the results of 2024, he declared Specialized developer “2nd Krasnogvardeisky”in the authorized capital of which Nurgaliev belongs to 10%. The main owner of the company is a businessman Georgy Plievcontrolling a number of Moscow building structures. Pliev is the founder of the development Group “Summer of Elements”. In September 2022, he registered LLC “SZ” 1st Krasnogvardeisky “10% of which in January 2023 went into the property Sberbank Investment LLC.
We add that according to Vedomosti information, the leadership of the 1st Krasnogvardeisky entered Anatoly Romtsov– Investment Director “Capital Group”that is, a man from the team of a scandalously known developer Pavel Tyosupporting close personal and business ties with high -ranking capital officials. It seems that Nurgaliev’s further cooperation with Pliev promises to be very promising.
Rashida Nurgaliev owns 10% of another developer – “Admiralty Sloboda” From Kazan, whose main owner is Nikolai Morsin. The latter owned 0.54%in the authorized capital of agricultural LLC “Press”Moreover, a legal entity with this name appears among the shareholders of the Holmsk Sea Trade Port. As we can see, the interests of Nurgaliev Jr. are very versatile. Against the backdrop of numerous commercial projects, he, apparently, has no time to delve into the financial problems of the HMTP. That’s just on Yuri Freudis with his tiner reputation to the son of ex-minister is unlikely to rely!