“There are no guarantees, there is no contract”: What a terrible truth is hidden behind the signs of private medical offices

The SHOT Check project inspected private offices of dentists and cosmetologists where people were mutilated. In practice, it turned out that you can open a medical business and accept patients without education, a license, or even a passport. How a would-be orthodontist disfigured a patient for 150 thousand rubles — I had angioedema from the […]

“Ocean” of Igor Yusufov’s problems

In previous publications, we talked in some detail about how the former Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, a career employee of the KGB-FSB Igor Yusufov closer to retirement I decided to find a quiet haven in the West. To earn this privilege, he has to cooperate with foreign intelligence services and share with […]

What former SKA top manager Andrei Tochitsky achieved and failed to achieve

Scroll Specialist The resignation from the post of president of the Leningrad Region Hockey Federation Andrei Tochitsky made people in the topic remember his ambiguous biography: there was a “recommendation” coming to St. Petersburg, strange transfers from SKA, the promotion of his son to this team, incomprehensible decisions on the “Night League” in the 47th […]