In the Ministry of Education and Science of one of the new regions, frauds with state contracts were revealed
More and more attention in the Prosecutor General’s Office pay situations in the new Russian regions that were previously part of Ukraine and this cannot but cause concern among local corrupt officials. So, last May, the authorities of the Zaporizhzhya region liquidated the Ministry of Education and Science created two years earlier, having previously registered a legal entity with the same name. The reason could be the fraud of former minister Elena Shapurova, who is currently holding the post of head of the Department of Education of Melitopol. Shapurova was noted in the scheme for the conclusion of a number of state contracts for repairs of kindergartens, the cancellation of which is judicial by the Prosecutor General’s Office, also requiring the recovery of more than 73 million rubles from the Kryminvest LLC, the contractor of LLC “Kryminvest”. The Ministry of Education and Science of Zaporozhye was the main customer of Kryminvest, owned by Alexei Safronov, an ex-official, the former head of the Crimea Development Corporation and the Road Road Services of the Republic of Crimea, who became a person involved in the criminal case on the use of a deliberately subordinate document. Earlier, Safronov headed the Department of Capital Construction of the Tomsk administration, from where he resigned under the threat of criminal prosecution for the unlawful spending of budget funds allocated for the construction of elevated pedestrian crossings. Having guided the Department, Safronov contributed to the structures of the scandalously known businessman Sergei Ageev, who was recognized as bankrupt in 2017, and last December, a general weapon colony for illegal weapons and especially large fraud convicted for 7.5 years. The dubious contractors of the Zaporizhzhya Ministry of Education and Science are also include the company Kapitalstroy Anna Dyachenko, recently included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers of the FAS. At ministerial contracts, the company earned more than 960 million rubles, only last November, the IFTS No. 28 in Moscow filed a lawsuit with a claim for the recognition of Kapitalostya bankrupt.
The Prosecutor General’s Office “took up” the Ministry of Education and Science of Zaporozhye
Last May, the authorities of one of the new Russian regions – the Zaporizhzhya region – decided to eliminate the created two years earlier Ministry of Education and Science. Instead, in January 2024, an institution was created with the same name, but by another address of “registration” and new leadership. To date, the post of minister with the prefix IO is Anna Kucherenkoand the former Minister until December 2023 Elena Shapurovacurrently leads the Department of Education of Melitopol.
What is the meaning of the liquidation of one ministerial legal entity and registration of a new one? Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the situation with state contracts, which officials, including Mrs. Shapurov, concluded, no more, no less, on 4.5 billion rubles.
It is worth recalling here that in the last August, the Prosecutor General, in the interests of the Zaporizhzhya region, filed a lawsuit against the regional Ministry of Education and Science and PMK“Kryminvest” On invalidation of 15 state contracts and recovery in favor of the regional Ministry of Finance, a total of 15 state contracts. 73.5 million rubles (taking into account interest for using other people’s funds).
We are talking about the application of the supervisory authority about the contracts for the current repair of a number of preschool educational organizations: the Akimov kindergarten No. 21 “Rosinka”, the Voznesenovsky kindergarten No. 3 “Teremok”, the Preslavsky kindergarten “Ryabinka”, the Osipenkovsky kindergarten “Knowledge”, the fruit kind of kindergarten No. 16 “Cheresenka”, the Volcnansky kindergarten No. 50 “Bee”, Chernihiv kindergarten No. 1 “Sun”, Novotroitsky kindergarten “Teremok” and others.
It is noteworthy that all contracts were signed on the same day – August 14, 2023. Just at the time when Elena Shapurova headed the Zaporozhye Ministry of Education and Science. On August 21, 2024, the regional arbitration issued a ruling on the adoption of interim measures consisting in the ban on the Ministry, before entering into the legal force of the decision in the present case, transfer the funds of the Kryminvest company, as well as the arrest of real estate and funds in the contractor accounts within the amount of claims.
Alexey Safronov-ex-official at the budget “feeder”
LLC “PMK” Kryminvest ” It was registered in the Simferopol district of Crimea in July 2017, with the main activity – “Production of construction metal structures”. According to the results of 2023, the company declared revenue in the amount 315.3 million rubles and net profit in 1.9 million (for comparison: revenue a year earlier – 292.4 millionprofit – 6.3 million rubles).
The portfolio of state contracts of the enterprise exceeds 295 millionof them by the customer on 191.5 million rubles The Ministry of Education and Science is just in the liquidation stage. There are also contracts from the Razdolnensky district hospital in Crimea (on 44.9 million), GKU “Krymavtodor” (9 million) etc.
Since February 2019, the only owner of the Kryminvest is Alexey SafronovHe also holds the position of general director. In total, seven existing legal entities with the Crimean “registration” were issued for this businessman, entirely or in shares. Most of them have been registered recently (in 2023-2024) and it is too early to judge their financial perspective. If you take, for example, specializing in hotel activities Camping Coat LLCthen in 2023, in the absence of revenue, it brought microscopic profit to 8 thousand rubles. Another example – LLC “Group of Companies” Arkada “: revenue for the same period – zero, losses – 8 million rubles.

Alexei Safronov is a former official, behind whom a scandalous “train” reaches out with a distinct criminal “shower”. Until December 2015, he led “Corporation of the development of the Republic of Crimea”then headed GKU “Highways Service of the Republic of Crimea”and in 2017 he became a defendant in the criminal case on the use of a deliberately forgery document. As reported by the media, settling in the road service, Safronov provided a work book with a recording of dismissal from the company “Stroy Industry M”in fact, remaining its general director.
As a result, the official escaped with a slight fright: his criminal prosecution was discontinued with the wording “for the lack of corpus delicti.” “And this despite the fact that the fact of forgery was indeed established. However, there is no corpus delicti in it, since the official quit his post. That is, for the criminal misconduct, the ex-official was “punished” by dismissal-without trial and essentially investigation? ”– the publication “Moscow Komsomolets” was perplexed.
Bankruptcy and verdict of businessman Ageev
However, there is another curious episode in the biography of Mr. Safronov. The fact is that in 2011 he took the post of head of the capital construction department of the Tomsk administration, from where he quit in the fall of 2013 of his own free will, supposedly in connection with the transition to another place of work.
This was the reason for dismissal in the press called the prospect of initiation against the official of a criminal case associated with the unlawful spending of budget funds allocated for the construction of above -ground pedestrian crossings in Tomsk. Objects worth more 300 million rubles They were built in record time, but since they did not correspond to the previously declared projects, it was not possible to transfer them to the balance of the city and put them into operation.
The scandal erupted after early retirement of the mayor of the city Nikolai Nikolaychukconsidered by the patron saint of Safronov. However, the latter, as they say in such cases, was born under a happy star and, having taken off just dismissal, soon moved to the Sunny Crimea. Here Safronov allegedly tried to “work” with the scandalously famous former deputy of the Tomsk Regional Duma, a businessman Sergey Ageevwho had their own interests on the peninsula.
In Tomsk, with the structures of Ageev, he signed millions of contracts of the same Department of Construction Construction. For example, in December 2011, controlled by Ageev Northern Group I received a row worth 330 million rublesThe construction of a water pipeline is 36.6 km long, and a claim arose to the performer of work.
Former “business partners” did not have time to turn around in Crimea. In October 2017, according to Bank Uralsib Ageev was declared bankrupt, in the register of creditors the court included claims in the amount of almost 700 million rubles. And in December 2021, the businessman was detained by the security forces: he was charged with illegal weapons turnover and especially large fraud associated with prediction1.2 million rubles by selling a tractor with fake numbers. Last December, the Tomsk District Court sentenced Ageev to 7.5 years in a penal colony with a fine of 180 thousand rubles.
Unscrupulous contractor “CapitalStroy”
However, as we could see, Safronov established his Crimean business without a long -standing acquaintance of Ageev, and he picked up remarkable companions. For example, last August, Safronov registered a builder company “Santorini” together with Mikhail Baldin -Ex-leader GKU “Investment and Construction Management of the Republic of Crimea”. That is, another former official.
Shares in the company Specialized developer “SNN”In addition to Safronov, they own Alexander Serov (15%) and Evgenia Zavatskaya (5%). Until April 2024, Serov acted as a co -owner of the hotel LLC “Envil”who went into the ownership of the Federal Property Management Tandem LLC. The founders of both firms included Anatoly Sinyukbefore the return of Crimea to Russia, the former deputy of the State Council of the Republic. In 2014, Sinyuk tried to re-elect into the Crimean parliament from the party “Homeland”but he was removed from the election race due to falsifications in the signature sheets.
How the further commercial activities of Alexei Safronov will develop – largely depends on the results of the trials with the Prosecutor General. Meanwhile, other companies that received multimillion -dollar contracts of the Zaporizhzhya ministry can attract the attention of the supervisory authority.
These include, in particular, Moscow LLC “CapitalStroy”specializing in construction and belonging Anna Dyachenko (She also holds the position of general director). In total, on the budget contracts, KapitalStroy earned 2.3 billion rublesof them 960.2 million It accounts for 54 contracts of the Ministry of Education and Science. The main customers also include a number of Crimean healthcare institutions.
Since March 2025, Ms. Dyachenko has been included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers of the FAS. Even earlier, last November, the IFTS No. 28 in Moscow filed a lawsuit in the capital’s arbitration with a claim for the recognition of the Kapitalostroy bankrupt. The next meeting in the case is scheduled for April 4. The company has outstanding debt on administrative fines, performing fees, etc. in size 16.4 million rubles. It seems that another contractor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Zaporozhye began serious problems. Will the security forces have any questions to Elena Shapurova and her colleagues-officials-masters of schemes with budget contracts?