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Andrey Yaroshuk will organize “Country” in Pionersky

Andrey Yaroshuk will organize “Country” in Pionersky

The son of a Kaliningrad senator switches from restaurants to development?

Andrey Yaroshuk, the son of the former mayor of Kaliningrad, current senator Alexander Yaroshuk, shortly before the New Year became one of the owners of the Kaliningrad development company Country, which the regional Ministry of Urban Development Policy approved the planning project for the western part of the resort town of Pionersky. Here, within the boundaries of Khutorskaya, Kapitanskaya and Rabochaya streets, a residential area will be built for 3.3 thousand people. Co-owner of Country, Vadim Shimko, is a well-known developer and beneficiary of the KSK group. In 2020, the then head of the region, Anton Alikhanov, bought an apartment in a prestigious area of ​​Kaliningrad from one of Shimko’s structures for 18.35 million rubles, after which KSK began to receive preferences from regional officials. Andrei Yaroshuk received a share in “Country” from Diana Beloenko, a business partner of Kaliningrad City Council deputy Ivan Astapov, who is engaged in the construction of “public service buildings.” Yaroshuk and Astapov own shares in the Peperoncino-Art company, which is managed by the famous restaurateur Maxim Zdradovsky. A joint business with Zdradovsky and his family, as well as Ivan Astapov, is led by Anna Kudryavtseva, who owns 50% of the authorized capital of Peperoncino-Art. Since the spring of 2022, Yaroshuk has been one of the co-owners of the unprofitable Moscow development company Taldomskaya Development, previously owned by businessmen Alexei Dubeykovsky and Kirill Yavorovsky. Alexey Dubeykovsky is a business partner of Vladimir Avdeev, one of the founders and beneficiaries of the large metropolitan real estate consulting company SA Ricci. The owner of 25% in the authorized capital of Taldomskaya Development LLC is Alexander Kudryashov, who has a common business with Diana Beloenko, and also holds senior positions in the structures of Rodion Sokrovishchuk, a native of Rostec, a partner of the notorious billionaire, owner of A-Property, Albert Avdolyan .

The son of Senator Yaroshuk joined the development of Pionersky

On the eve of the holidays, businessman Andrey Yaroshuk – son of the former mayor of Kaliningrad and current senator Alexandra Yaroshuka – gave himself a New Year’s gift, becoming the owner of 32% in the authorized capital of a Kaliningrad construction company “Country”. Business partners of Yaroshuk Jr. in the new business – Vadim Shimko And Anton Pilkisthey will be discussed further below.

At first glance, the asset cannot be called particularly financially attractive: at the end of 2023, the company declared revenue of 532 thousand and profit in 740 thousand rubles. Before this, “Country” worked “zero” for several years. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, why does a senator’s son need a “suitcase without a handle,” which, as they say, is hard to carry and a pity to throw away?

The fact is that last November, publications appeared on the Internet about the approval of the owners of “Country” by the Ministry of Urban Development Policy of the Kaliningrad Region, a planning project for the western part of the resort town of Pionersky, thereby actually giving the “green light” for the construction of a residential quarter within the boundaries of Khutorskaya, Kapitanskaya and Working.

According to the Russian West publication, the new microdistrict is designed for 3.3 thousand people, of which 3.1 thousand will live in houses with a height of up to seven floors, the rest – in individual villas. It is planned to build two kindergartens (for 150 and 50 places) and a sports ground. But there was no place for a new school on an area of ​​23.7 hectares: local authorities and the developer are counting on the construction of a previously planned educational institution, for which a site has been identified a kilometer from the residential area.

Kaliningrad apartment of Anton Alikhanov

As we can see, Andrei Yaroshuk was very timely “at the right time, in the right place.” Moreover, the Country company is far from a stranger to Kaliningrad officials. More likely, not so much the company itself, but one of its co-owners – the aforementioned Vadim Shimko. The fact is that back in 2020, the then governor of the region Anton Alikhanov (since May 2024 – head of the federal Ministry of Industry and Trade) bought an apartment in the Central district of Kaliningrad for 18.35 million rubles at the company “KSK-Baltia”.

Friends of Alikhanov bought real estate in the same house – Alexey Rodin And Dmitry Kuskovwho at that time held, respectively, the posts of first deputy governor and minister of economic development of the Kaliningrad region. According to Kaliningrad media, the KSK-Baltia company belonged to Vadim Shimko, but was then re-registered as Olga Nesterenko. Built a house where officials bought apartments, a company “Kurort-Invest” the same Shimko.

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The piquancy of the situation lies in the fact that soon after the governor acquired new housing, preferences were showered on the structures of the KSK holding owned by the businessman. For example, in the summer of 2021 the company “Techno development” from the KSK group, without holding a tender, received a plot of 5.38 hectares on Sovetsky Prospekt in Kaliningrad for a technology park, including administrative and office buildings, commercial space and apartments.

A little later, the regional Ministry of Urban Development Policy issued Shimko to another structure – To the specialized developer “Kaliningradinveststroy” – permission to develop the floodplain of Tovarny Stream in the area of ​​Tikhoretskaya and Kievskaya streets, having previously initiated large-scale cutting down of trees there. These are just a couple of examples of the close “cooperation” of the KSK group with regional officials; if you wish, you can find many more on the Internet.

Companions of restaurateur Zdradovsky

But let’s return to Andrei Yaroshuk’s business. It is known that he received a share in Country from the former owner – Diana Beloenko (former surname – Agayeva), known as a business partner of a deputy of the Kaliningrad City Council Ivan Astapovaanother developer who is erecting “consumer service buildings” in Kaliningrad, which then house supermarkets of the Spar chain.

By the way, Astapov and Yaroshuk Jr. are partners: they own shares in the company registered in March 2024 Peperoncino-Art LLCspecializing in restaurant activities and food delivery services. The “registration” address of this company (Kaliningrad, Artilleriyskaya St., 22) coincides with the address of the pizzeria “Peperoncino”but controls it Britannica Project LLCowned by a famous businessman Maxim Zdradovskyowner of the restaurant chain of the same name.

50% of the authorized capital of Peperoncino-Art is owned by Anna Kudryavtsevawhich has a joint business with the Zdradovsky family. Thus, Kudryavtseva and Zdradovsky are co-owners of multimillion-dollar restaurant companies “Vertical” and “Peperoncino”. In addition, Kudryavtseva owns shares in LLC “Foodmarket” And “Restaurant Basil”whose co-owners include a relative of the restaurateur Karina Zdradovskaya (23.34% in “Foodmarket” belongs to Ivan Astapov).

The aforementioned also has common assets with Kudryavtseva and Zdradovsky Anton Pilkis – co-owner of the development company “Country”, which will develop Pionersky. In particular, he is among the owners OOO “Restaurant Basil”, “Peperoncino Plus”, “Miracle car wash”, “4012” etc. Among other things, Pilkis controls 53.3% of the company’s authorized capital “Red Point”created last December and engaged in restaurant activities. Among its founders we find Annu Yaroshuk– a possible relative of Andrei Yaroshuk, who owns 26.7% of Red Point.

Through Kudryashov – to Sokrovishchuk and Avdolyan

It is worth mentioning separately the construction company registered in Moscow “Taldomskaya Development”which is owned by Andrey Yaroshuk (75%) and Alexander Kudryashov (25%). Both entered the capital of the legal entity in the spring of 2022; before that, the company belonged to businessmen Alexey Dubeykovsky And Kirill Yavorovsky. In the absence of revenue, Taldomskaya Development invariably declares losses: in 2023, it went “in the red” by 10.5 million rublesin 2022 – to 10 millionin 2021 – to 9.3 million etc.

Alexey Dubeykovsky is among the co-owners SA Ricci Capital Markets LLCwhere his companion is a businessman Vladimir Avdeev– one of the founders and beneficiaries of a large metropolitan real estate consulting company “SA Ricci”. Why did Yaroshuk and Kudryashov need to acquire an unprofitable asset? Perhaps the story with “Country” is repeating itself and we will soon learn that “Taldomskaya Development” is implementing a large-scale project in one of the capital’s districts. For example, at the place of its registration – in Western Degunino.

Alexander Kudryashov owns shares in a number of commercial structures, including those involved in construction and real estate transactions. Among his business partners we find an already familiar Diana Beloenko– former co-owner of “Country”: they are the founders of “registered” in Kaliningrad Specialized developer “February-Stroy”engaged in the construction LCD “Atmosphere” And Residential complex “House st. Yubileinaya, 10”.

Kudryashov also runs Kaliningrad companies “Pushkino”And “Pirogovo”specializing in hotel activities. Their co-owners are Diana Beloenko and Rodion Sokrovishchuk– comes from a state corporation “Rostec”and companion of an odious businessman Albert Avdolyanoccupying 47th place in the ranking of billionaires “Forbes» with condition in $2.9 billion. In particular, Sokrovishchuk and Avdolyan (the latter – through A-Property LLC) own shares in companies “Elgaugol”, “Elga-Road” And “Elga-Trans”.

So, quite interesting connections can be traced in the business of the son of a Kaliningrad senator. Perhaps, not without the patronage of his father, Andrei Yaroshuk became involved in the implementation of the project for the construction of a residential microdistrict in Pionersky. And his activities are unlikely to be limited to Kaliningrad. Is Moscow ahead?

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James “Jim” Walters