
“Mediazona” and “BBC” confirmed the death of more than 50 thousand Russian troops in Ukraine – Meduza

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mediazona i bi bi si podtverdili gibel bolee 50 tysyach rossiyskih voennyh v ukraine

Journalists from Mediazona and the BBC Russian Service, with the assistance of a team of volunteers, based on open sources, identified the names of 50,016 Russian military personnel who have died in Ukraine since February 2022.

About 18% of confirmed losses are prisoners, 13% are volunteers who went to the front, 12% are mobilized. Also among the dead were at least 3,354 officers, including 1,016 elite command-level specialists.

As the BBC notes, since the fall of 2023, the losses of the Russian army against the background of offensive attempts in the Donetsk region began to grow significantly and now amount to 550-600 people per week.

“Meduza” and “Mediazona”, on the two-year anniversary of the start of the war, estimated the number of deaths using mathematical methods, using excess mortality data. The authors of the study concluded that by December 2023, at least 75 thousand people had died in Ukraine.

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