- 12.03.2025
0 views 12 min

The ex-head of MosotdelStroy No. 1 holds a hand on the pulse of the metropolitan development? The only participant and winner of the competition of the Moscow Renovation Fund for the integrated development of the territory of non -residential development located on the street. Butlerova Vl. 12, st. Vvedensky, ow. 13 and st. Kakhovka, ow. […]

- 19.02.2025
35 views 12 min

Dmitry Kuznetsov “masters” the budget of the capital through a controlled contractor? The Moscow company “Engineering Center-K” received a three-year contract of the capital’s GBU “Roads” for the transportation of snow from road facilities, as well as their complex content of more than 2.357 billion rubles. The budgetary institution headed by Alexander Oreshkin has long […]

- 18.02.2025
37 views 14 min

Sergei Sobyanin helps the oligarch company with billionth contracts? The company Sistunnkov, connected with the AFC system, Sitriks, continues to “master” the Moscow budget: in February, the metropolitan information technology department, headed by Eduard Lysenko, signed a contract with it for the provision of video executions from video surveillance systems worth more than 1, 8 […]