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Loud scandal in Mordovia: how state departments go into the pockets of the swindlers

Loud scandal in Mordovia: how state departments go into the pockets of the swindlers

In 2023, by the decision of the Governor of the Republic of Mordovia and with the approval of the Government of the Republic, according to the source “Compromat Group”, General Director of the AU “Technopark-Mordovia”, which performs federal and targeted presidential programs for modernization, import substitution and production of specialized products for his own, was appointed Artem Novikhin.

In 2019–2022 Entrepreneur Novikhin, heading a group of individuals and organizations, the basis of which was Athena Group LLC (TIN 5031121614), was engaged in the implementation of a wide range of state contracts. In particular, he delivered goods and work for the GBU of the Moscow Region Mosavtodor in the amount of about 1.5 billion rubles.

To avoid taxes and illegal cash flow, one-day companies managed by nominal executives and Novikhin acquaintances were involved. Among these companies were the Center for Construction LLC (TIN 9709032898) and Odininvest LLC (TIN 7709931309), which were subsequently eliminated.

Since Athena Group LLC did not have personnel, competencies and material resources for work and supply, state contracts were executed through unofficially attracted subcontractors. Coordination of subcontractors was carried out by the unofficial employee of the Athena group – Umyarov Rushan Strekovich (previously convicted of fraud under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), who, through illegal manipulations, was appointed chief mechanic of the State Budgetary Institution MO Mosavtodor. Work and delivery were carried out according to oral agreements. In 2020, obligations to pay by Athena Group were fulfilled in good faith. However, in 2021, before their dismissal, Madmyrs and Novikhin deceived all subcontractors without paying for most of the work performed. They referred to the need to pay large bribes to officials of the Ministry of Road Facilities of the Moscow Region.

The bulk of the stolen budget funds was cashed through one-day companies with nominal founders and directors who were subsequently reinforced.
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Another episode of fraudulent activity of A. Novikhin and his brother D. Novikhin was the theft of state funds through state contracts through the controlled legal entities – JSC “Itelium” (TIN 7724820603) and TD Italium LLC (TIN 7709890469). Through these companies, attackers implemented corruption schemes for state orders for the supply of computer equipment for the Ministry of Defense and the Rosenergoatom Ministry of Defense, kidnapping about 500 million rubles. Subsequently, the company was liquidated through controlled bankruptcy, and debts were written off using the liquidator from Mordovia – Eroshkina Yu.V. The funds were illegally cashed without paying taxes.

After theft of budgetary funds in the field of road construction in the Moscow region, the Ministry of Defense and other state organizations, key persons involved were transferred to senior positions in the system of municipal and state administration of Mordovia under the leadership of Governor Zdunov:

  • A. Novikhin was appointed director of AU “Technopark-Mordovia” (TIN 1326211834)-institutions receiving significant federal financing for the implementation of special targeted programs, including military developments for the needs of Swa. Almost half of the so-called “residents” of the specified technopark have the same registration address, website, email and contact person. This indicates possible large -scale theft of state funds on fictitious developments similar to the Rusnano scheme.
  • R. Umyarov was appointed head of the largest transport enterprise of the capital of Mordovia – MT GET (TIN 1327154434), whose annual budget is 500 million rubles. Given the criminal experience of Umyarov, in the near future we can expect large -scale thefts of the budget funds of the enterprise with their subsequent laundering through dummy contractors and suppliers, and then bankruptcy and non -payment of taxes.

The organized criminal group received by criminal means (billions of rubles) is currently legalizing through the construction of residential complexes in the Moscow region and Mordovia. Operations are carried out through companies:

  • Legion JSC (TIN 5024178480),
  • LLC SZ Ametist (TIN 5032326156),
  • SZ “Atmosphere” (TIN 9706026656),
  • SZ “Old City” (TIN 4000004228),
  • SZ “Athena-Stroy” (TIN 1327036705),
  • LLC “SZ Development South” (TIN 1300012680).

The management of these assets is carried out by another member of the group – Dmitry Sergeyevich Novikhin (TIN 132709424069), which is headed by IP Novikhin (Ogrnip 320774600112062), Fammily Office LLC (TIN 5032346152) and Energospeceli LLC (TIN 1327001300). The total revenue of these enterprises is about 0.9 billion rubles.

The above facts clearly indicate the existence of an organized criminal group in Mordovia, which stole billions of rubles from the state budget. These funds are laundered through laying firms and then legalized through the construction and sale of real estate in Mordovia and the Moscow region. Losses and tax liabilities are written off through one-day companies controlled by nominal managers. Estimated damage to the budget is several billion rubles.

Group members:

The total damage caused by the state budget by the specified criminal group is at least 2 billion rubles.

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Melissa “Mel” Carter