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Romanenko, “Aportal” and the contract “in a kind”

- 12.03.2025
Romanenko, "Aportal" and the contract "in a kind"

Does the director of the Ministry of Transport of the Ministry of Transport earning “on the side”?

Assigned in March last year, the director of the “Scientific Center for Complex Transport Problems” (FSBI “NCCPP”) of the Federal Ministry of Transport Arthur Romanenko previously led the “Development Corporation of the Kursk Region”. In parallel, he led a business in St. Petersburg: he was engaged in restaurant activities as an IP, and also worked as a general director in Aportal, who is engaged in counseling on commercial and management issues. Soon after the appointment of Romanenko, the head of the NCCS, Aportal received a contract worth 400 thousand rubles for the provision of information and consulting service “State Institute of Medicines and Proper Practices”. But the contractor did not fulfill only the obligations and was included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers of the FAS. Currently, the founder and general director of Aportal LLC is an official Anastasia Romanenko, and before it belonged to Lyudmila Romanenko, who was engaged in the restaurant business in St. Petersburg. In addition, Anastasia Romanenko owned a share in the St. Petersburg company Alter Ego, where Boris Burmistrov, a former leader, was a business partner, and now the bankruptcy trustee, and now the bankruptcy trustee declared multimillion -dollar losses of the housing and communal services of the city of Krasnoznamensk in the Kaliningrad region. Also, the co -owners of the Alter Ego included Ksenia Chirkova, a competitive manager of a number of commercial structures, including the Moscow Architectural Company “Investment”, “mastered” more than 311 million rubles, and the St. Petersburg company Fogo, where the post of general director was held by the former communal manager Boris Burmistrov. Until October 2020, Ksenia Chirkova and Arthur Romanenko belonged to “registered” in St. Petersburg TMP LLC, bringing millions of revenue and today decorated to Dmitry Prokofiev, who can play the role of the nominal owner of the asset, while the official of the Ministry of Transport Romanenko remains the same.

Position – in Kursk, business – in St. Petersburg

Exactly a year ago, in March 2024, controlled by the Federal Ministry of Transport “Scientific Center for Complex Transport Problems” (FSBI “NCCTP Ministry of Transport of Russia”) headed Arthur Romanenkosince February, who was in the status of IO, and even earlier, in 2019-2021, who led “Corporation of the development of the Kursk region”.

It is noteworthy that, as a Kursk official, Romanenko at the same time had St. Petersburg registration as an individual entrepreneur specializing in restaurant activities and the delivery of food. Romanenko ceased activities as an individual entrepreneur only in October 2022, that is, having already quiting the development corporation.

How successfully Mr. Romanenko, while in Kursk, was engaged in the restaurant business in the northern capital – we do not take the judge. But this was not limited to this: from 2016 to March 2022, he worked as a general director in St. Petersburg LLC “Aportal”occupied by counseling on commercial activities and management.

The company “Aportal” continues to work today. According to the latest data on financial indicators available in open sources, according to the results of 2023, the company declared revenue in the amount 2.9 millionand net profit in 368 thousand rubles(a year earlier with revenue in 2.4 millionthere was a loss in 7.5 million rubles).

True, from last September, Aportal has been included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers of the FAS, where he will stay until September 2026. The reason is indicated by the customer of the contract in connection with the violation by the supplier of obligations. We are talking about a contract signed with Aportal in June 2024 in Moscow “State Institute of Medicines and Proper Practices”(FBU “Gils and NP”).

For 400 thousand rubles The contractor took up the provision of information and consulting services on the topic: “Assessment of the potential of the export of pharmaceutical products from the Russian Federation”, but failed with the task, and in addition to entering the “black list” was also forced to pay fines.

Business women of the Romanenko family

We do not undertake to say that it was Romanenko who was lobbied by receiving the “Aportal” of the Gils and NP contract, but this happened a few months after the appointment of the former general director of the company as the head of the scientific center under the Ministry of Transport. But what you can be sure of is sure is in the related connections of the official with the owners of the St. Petersburg company.

To date, the only founder and general director of Aportal LLC is Anastasia Yuryevna Romanenkoand before it the enterprise belonged Lyudmila Nikolaevna Romanenko. By the way, Lyudmila and Arthur Romanenko had a joint business – St. Petersburg company “R-kub”that engaged in real estate transactions and liquidated in January 2017. The owner of the company was Lyudmila Romanenko, Arthur held the position of general director.

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Currently, Lyudmila Romanenko carries out the activities of an individual entrepreneur in St. Petersburg, engaged in restaurant business and delivery of products. True, only last year, reports of the intentions of the creditor (St. Petersburg LLC “GI-EI-JI”) Contact the arbitration with a bankruptcy claim for a business woman.

By the way, the interests of Lyudmila Nikolaevna were not limited to the general catering, earlier it was previously registered as an individual entrepreneur: first in the field of providing services by hairdressers and beauty salons, then – rent and property management.

As for Anastasia Romanenko, until August 2015, she also engaged in the restaurant business in the northern capital as an individual entrepreneur, and in addition, until February 2020 was one of the co-owners of the St. Petersburg company “Alter Ego”engaged in the installation of flooring and wall covering. “Alter of the Ego” is a unprofitable company, in addition, information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on its legal address and leadership is considered to be apertured. In relation to the company, eight enforcement proceedings were excited for the total amount 820 thousand rubles.

But another is interesting for us. Anastasia Romanenko’s business partner in Alter Ego, who at the same time with her from among the founders, was Boris Burmistrov -Ex-leader, and now the bankruptcy trustee of the MUP of the housing and communal services of the city of Krasnoznamensk in the Kaliningrad region. Last year, in relation to this enterprise, it was decided to exclude from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the presence of false information. MUP does not publish data on his financial indicators, but in 2017 his losses were evaluated almost at 130 million rubles. It is also known about 13 enforcement proceedings on more than 33 million.

Bankruptcy under the control of Ksenia Chirkova

Returning directly to Arthur Romanenko, it is worth mentioning Petersburg LLC “TMP” (FormerLLC “Gutenberg Cafe”And LLC “Ecoprom”) One of the owners of which he was until October 2020, the agent, until October 2018. A company specializing in scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences today belongs Dmitry Prokofievwho received her from his predecessor, that is, from Romanenko. It is possible that Prokofiev acts only by the denomination of the latter.

At the end of 2023, the company “TMP” reported on the revenue in 3 million and clean profit in 577 thousand rubles (revenue in 2022 – 7 millionprofit – 1.3 million). “TMP” belonged to the share in LLC “Brikar Kaliningrad”registered in Kaliningrad Krasnoznamensk (the very one where Boris Burmistrov led the unprofitable municipal unitary enterprise) and liquidated in April 2020. The company was engaged in the production of fuel granules and briquettes from the waste of wood processing.

Let us pay attention to the fact that simultaneously with Arthur Romanenko, his business partner came out of the co -owners of TMP LLC Ksenia Chirkova. She was a companion of Anastasia Romanenko and Boris Burmistrov in the aforementioned Alter Ego, in which, until September 2022, she served as a general director, and today remains the only founder.

Currently, Ksenia Chirkova is a competitive manager of a number of commercial structures “registered”, including in St. Petersburg and the Kaliningrad region. Among them – St. Petersburg LLC “Fogo”who was engaged in wholesale trade in production electrical equipment, machines, equipment and materials, whose general director at one time was already familiar to us by Boris Burmistrov.

Among the companies liquidated as a result of the bankruptcy of companies, we find Moscow LLC “Investment”that engaged in architectural activities and earned more on state contracts 311 million rubles. The main customer of the enterprise was FSBI “National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov “subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Health. The founder of “Investment” was Tatyana Bushmanova– owner and general director of the capital’s development company “MSC”Declaring a million profit.

Summarizing all the above, what do we see? At a minimum, being the head of the “Corporation of the Kursk Region” Corporation, Arthur Romanenko continued to engage in business in St. Petersburg in parallel. And then he could simply transfer the shares of his relatives and proxies belonging to him in commercial structures. Perhaps he even helped Aportal LLC in obtaining a state contract, the execution of which the company “Successfully” failed. De Jure, the official, of course, was distanced from commerce, but what about the de facto? Does he hide his participation in the face value?

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Claire Ramirez