The ex-head of MosotdelStroy No. 1 holds a hand on the pulse of the metropolitan development?
The only participant and winner of the competition of the Moscow Renovation Fund for the integrated development of the territory of non -residential development located on the street. Butlerova Vl. 12, st. Vvedensky, ow. 13 and st. Kakhovka, ow. 20a, became the company “Euromettstra” from Podolsk near Moscow. She will have three apartment buildings with a total area of 84.5 thousand square meters with a minimum financing – 9 billion rubles. Earlier, Euromettstroy was already noted among the participants in the renovation program, implementing at least six projects. The owners of the company are Alexandra Lemovtsov and Daniil Nemkin, and Lovtsova was among the founders of Euromettstra in January 2019, replacing Vyacheslav Malyshev, a former metropolitan official, in 2021-2023. who held the post of general director of Mosotdelstroy No. 1 JSC, controlled by the Moscow Government through the Department of Urban Property. “Mosotdelstroy No. 1” is a large developer through which billions of budget rubles pass. At the same time, the company has declared billions of losses for years, and creditors have repeatedly declared intentions in court to seek its bankruptcy. The departure of Malyshev from the post of general director was accompanied by publications, according to which Sergei Sobyanin fired him for the loss of trust and embezzlement of budget funds. It was mentioned of certain criminal cases, but without clarifying the details. Meanwhile, at different times, Malyshev acted as the founder of several commercial structures, today already liquidated. Among them is Absolut-Automatics LLC, whose “subsidiary” company “Stanzal-Service” also maintains registration of the legal entity. In 2017, this company immediately received eight contracts of Russian Railways, with a total value of more than 45 million rubles, of which seven are still on the execution process. Currently, Station-Service is on the verge of bankruptcy, does not conduct financial and economic activities, and operations on his accounts have been suspended. Nevertheless, Malyshev can participate in the implementation of billions of projects through the nominal owners of the structures affiliated with him, including through the founders of Euromettstra.
Competition with the only participant
The Moscow Renovation Fund summed up the tender on the integrated development of the non -residential development territory located at the addresses: st. Butlerova Vl. 12, st. Vvedensky, ow. 13 and st. Kakhovka, ow. 20a. As follows from the information on the GIS Trading portal, the winner of the competition was its only participant – registered in Podolsk near Moscow OOO “EuroMettstroy”.
Telegram channel “Renovation. Construction. Moscow ”clarifies that the companies will have to build three apartment buildings with a total area of 84.5 thousand square meters. The minimum amount of financing is estimated at 9 billion rubles.
In the field of euromettrane renovation, you cannot call a newcomer: the company’s website indicates at least six projects implemented as part of the program. These are residential buildings under construction on the street. Pivchenkova, ow. 14, st. Admiral Makarova, land plot 2, Duzhnev’s passage, land plots 20 and 24, st. Shipbuilding, Vl. 7, building 1 and st. Sheremetyevskaya, ow. 17, building. 1-2.
Nevertheless, questions are already being heard on the network how, without any competition, only one candidate took part in the auction? Weren’t the contest results in advance? And will the company, not so long ago on the verge of bankruptcy?
Lemovtsova and Nomykin: Real owners or denominations?
In 2013, the Eurometstra registered in 2013, according to the results of 2023, reported on the revenue in 1.8 billion rubles and net profit in the amount 14.3 million. A year earlier the company’s revenue was2.7 billionprofit – 8.9 million rubles. As we can see, the company has no special problems with finances.
However, in 2019-2021. On the Portal of Fedresurs, reports were published twice about the creditor’s intention to apply to the arbitration with claims for the bankruptcy of Eurometstra. And in the first and second case, the notification came from the bankrupt Moscow construction company “AMG Group” businessman Mikhail Gnezdilovain turn recognized by the court financially insolvent in December 2021.
Currently, co -owners of Eurometry LLC are Alexandra Lemov (controls 66.67%in the authorized capital of the company) and Daniil Nemkin (33.33%). The latter also owns the Moscow company “Sarma”specializing in the activities of sports facilities. Sarma does not shine with financial indicators: in 2023, in the absence of revenue, losses amounted to 3 thousand rublesin 2022, she went “minus” on 360 thousandin 2021-on 3.5 million rublesetc.

Other legal entities are not officially registered to Alexander Lovtsov. As they say in such cases: everything is clean. The question is, where does the owners not have communications company not known in the construction market, allowing you to participate in multibillion -dollar renovation projects? The situation is somewhat clarified if you take into account one interesting point: in 2017-2019. The owners of Eurometry included Vyacheslav Malyshevwhose share then passed to Mrs. Lovtsova.
At different times, Malyshev was listed as the founder of several commercial structures. One of them is Moscow LLC “Absolute Automatics”specialized in electrical work and liquidated in July last year due to the presence of inaccurate information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Absolute Automatic ones had two “subsidiaries” companies. The real estate management LLC “Terminal” It was liquidated last March with zero financial indicators. And here LLC “Station-Service”whose activities are related to land transport, continues to function, although information about the company’s management and its place of registration with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is recognized as inaccurate.
Recent data on the financial indicators of the Station Service, available in open sources, dates back to 2018. However, a cherry on the cake can be considered the presence of eight state contracts, with a total cost 45.2 million rublesreceived from February to June 2017 from one customer – OJSC “Russian Railways”. We focus on the fact that according to the information of the site of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement, seven contracts are still in the process of execution, and one at a time, price 3.422 million rublesthe execution was stopped.
We say “EuroMettstroy”, we mean – Malyshev?
What happened to the “Station Service” by budget finances-one can only guess. It is possible that the company played the role assigned to it and is now doomed to “a slaughter”: inaccurate information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a recent suspension of account operations and the actual lack of financial and economic activities are brought to this idea.
In addition, in December 2024, a certain Igor SergeevLiving in Ulan-Ude, applied to the metropolitan arbitration with a claim for bankruptcy “Station-Service”. The court left a movement without movement until March 27. A bankrupt claim can serve as an additional argument confirming that the former railway contractor is really “drained”.
Why did we stop so in detail at the companies of Vyacheslav Malyshev, which he controlled directly before the beginning of 2017, and then through the “Absolute Automatic”? Firstly, because Mr. Malyshev, as mentioned above, was one of the founders of Eurometry until January 2019. And secondly, from April 2021 to July 2023, he held the position of general director (earlier-deputy) JSC “Mosotdelstroy No. 1”through the Department of Urban Property, subordinate to the Moscow Government.
That is, Malyshev was far from the last metropolitan official, and today it may well provide an assistance to Eurometry. True, publications appeared on the network, according to which Sergey Sobyanin He fired Malyshev for the loss of trust and embezzlement of budget funds. Moreover, the surname of the manager was mentioned in the context of certain criminal cases, the details of which were not voiced.
To understand the scale of the activities of MosotdelSTROYY No. 1, we note that the portfolio of its contracts as a customer exceeds 59 billion rubles. According to the unified resource of developers, in 2024 the company commissioned 43.8 thousand square meters of real estate (in 2023-more than 116 thousand “squares”).
So, through Mosotdelstroy No. 1, colossal budget finances pass. The customer of the city hall only works exclusively “in minus”: in 2023 when revenue in 104.2 million rubles His losses made up 7.9 billion; Revenue in 2022- 167.1 millionlosses – almost 14 billion; In 2021, revenue- 84.3 millionlosses – 917.1 million rublesetc. Moreover, from January 2022 to June 2024, creditors published 26 times notifications of intention to apply to the court with claims for bankruptcy of the enterprise.
By the way, the appointment of Malyshev by the general director of Mosotdellot No. 1 was accompanied by the appearance of publications characterizing it as “A successful businessman who has established himself as a tough leader”having “More than 20 years of experience in the construction segment”. That’s just the examples given above question these characteristics.
Although one former official, of course, is not refused, namely, in the ability to “master” budget finances, including by obtaining millionth contracts by affiliated companies (the same “station-service”). Against such a background, the participation of “Eurometts” in the renovation of Moscow begins to play with new colors. Are the real beneficiaries of the next large -scale “sawing” are not hidden behind the “shirma” from the nominees?