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Vladimir Revenko – Kommersant in the Rostov Government

Vladimir Revenko - Kommersant in the Rostov Government

The Proteget of Kuklovoda Ali Uzdenova transfers business to trust management

The post of Rostov vice-governor Vladimir Revenko transferred to the trust of Alexander Zatonsky a share belonging to him (49%) in the authorized capital of Ardon LLC, which is engaged in lease and property management. Zatonsky is the full namesake of the former head of a number of large Rostov agricultural enterprises, who headed the structures of Glenkor Agro MZK and the South Rus agricultural holding, which belonged to businessman Sergei Kliov, but at the end of 2023, which was transferred to the company, which was associated with the ex-minister of agriculture Alexander Tkachev. It is known that in early February, Vladimir Revenko transferred a share in another asset-the agrarian LLC Ust-Donetsk AIC-relative to Marina Revenko, the owner of 31%in the capital of LLC Ardon. Also, the founders of Ardon include the Holding Ural-Don, controlled by the famous Rostov billionaire Alexander Yaroshenko. The share of Maria Revenko herself is in the trust department of Ural-Don-Finance LLC-another “family” enterprise Yaroshenko. Vladimir Revenko himself in the region is called the protege of Ali Uzdenov – the companion of the oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov, the managing partner of the AFK System, which is considered the “puppeteer” and “shadow governor” of the Rostov region. Revenko and Uzdenov worked together in Gazprom’s structures, and also had a joint business – Bessergensky Ventence LLC, which is today in the process of liquidation. Ali Uzdenov entered the close circle of the former Rostov governor Vasily Golubev, and their sons belonged to the company Listopadovsky Sources. After the resignation, Golubev occupied a chair in the Federation Council, only his current position cannot be called strong: since the beginning of the year, the Prosecutor General’s office twice sent an idea of ​​removing the immunity from the senator due to the possible involvement in large -scale budget fraud. As for Ali Uzdenov, then, judging by the appointment of Revenko, he still has an impact on the personnel policy of the acting Rostov Governor Yuri Slyusar.

Rostov vice-governor Revenko and his companions

Recently appointed first vice-governor of the Rostov region Vladimir Revenko decided to maintain a share of his own in the company “Ardon”by transferring it to trust management Alexander Zatonsky. Specializing in the rental and property management of Ardon LLC – family company: 49%of its authorized capital were issued to the official himself, 31% – for his relative Marina Revenkothe remaining 20% ​​- on LLC “Holding Ural-Don”controlled Alexander Yaroshenko.

The share of Marina Revenko herself is in confidence management LLC “Ural-Don-Finance”to which owns 0.75% in the authorized capital of the Ural-Don Holding. The Ural-Don Finance controls all the same Alexander Yaroshenko, also among the founders includes his companies on the Ural-Don Holding- Vladimir Berezhnaya, Svetlana And Sergey Yaroshenko, Vitaly Dziuba And Nikolai Stukanin. The same faces, all their people.

The aforementioned Alexander Yaroshenko– This is a famous Rostov businessman who last year took 11th line in the ranking of the richest people in the Rostov region. Experts of the RostovGazeta publication estimated the value of its assets in more than 9.23 billion rubles. His son Sergey Yaroshenko – The current deputy of the Rostov Regional Legislative Assembly. So the “Holding Ural-Don” and “Ural-Don-Finance” is also the company “Family”, and the vice-governor and the local oligarch has a joint business.

The desire of Vladimir Revenko to maintain a share in LLC Ardon is clear: according to the results of 2023, in the absence of revenue, the company declared net profit in the amount 40.2 million rubles. Before that, she worked exclusively “in minus”: in 2022, losses amounted to 38 millionin 2021- 25 millionin 2020- 18 million rubles etc.

For comparison: “Holding Ural-Don”, specializing in wholesale trade, in 2023 reported on revenue in 4.8 billion rubles and net profit in the amount 406.8 million (A year earlier, the revenue was 4.1 billionprofit – 1.4 billion rubles). As for the Ural-Don Finance, this company, with the same main activity, was registered in November 2022, 2023 it completed with zero revenue and profit in the amount 4.7 million rubles.

Through “Ardon” – to Ali Uzdenov

However, back to the Rostov vice-governor. No further, as in early February, Mr. Revenko was among the founders of one commercial structure – LLC “Ust-Donetsk AIC”engaged in the cultivation of cereals. However, shortly before his appointment, he handed over to his share (10%) already familiar to us Maria Revenko. The main owner (90%) is LLC Ardon.

The financial indicators of the Ust-Donetsk agro-industrial complex look more impressive than that of his “maternal” company: revenue for 2023- 505.6 million rublesnet profit – 61 million. Revenue a year earlier – 371 millionprofit – 36 million. In addition, the agro -industrial complex has a “subsidiary” structure – Dawn LLCalso specializing in grain growing. Revenue “Dawn” for 2023 319, 2 million rublesprofit- 16 million(revenue in 2022 – 112 millionprofit- 3.7 million rubles).

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So, to conduct an agricultural business with the Vice-Governor’s family is much better than managing property. The company “Ardon” has other agricultural “daughters”: these are financially promising LLC “Melikhovskoye-agro” named after V.G. Gritsy ” And LLC “Agricultural enterprise Bessergenevskoye”as well as in the process of elimination LLC “Bessergenevsky gardens”. At the latter, it is worth stopping in more detail.

The Bessergenevsky gardens registered in 2011 is most reminiscent of a dummy company, with a minimum authorized capital, the only employee and a constant lack of revenue and profit. However, in addition to Ardon, the enterprise has the second founder – Rostov LLC “Lang”specializing in investment and venture investment.

Lang company, directly and through LLC “Business Parity” belongs to Rostov Parity JSCinformation about the owners of which is absent in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Nevertheless, it is known that until January 2024, the founders of LLC LANG were a might Ali Uzdens– A billionaire companion Vladimir Yevtushenkovmanaging partner AFK “System”Chairman of the Board of Directors of the System of Agricultural Defense“Steppe”.

Revenko – the prostate of the “puppeteer” of Uzdenov?

It will be appropriate to remind you that the newly-made vice-governor Revenko is a native of structures Gazprom. In particular, from 2016 to his last appointment, he held the position of general director LLC Gazprom Interregiongaz Rostov-on-Don “even earlier – deputy general director LLC Gazprom Interregiongaz.

Ali Uzdenov is also a former Gazprom top manager who at one time received the nickname of the “gas king”. The highlight is that he also led the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don LLC, and it was Uzdenov in 2016 by Revenko in the post. Rostov network edition “161.Ru»Calls Revenko, neither more nor less “Pupil of entrepreneur Ali Uzdenov”And him “Golf partner”(Revenko and today leads Golf Federation of the Rostov Region “).

Uzdenov is considered the main “puppeteer” of the region, directly affecting the personnel permutations, he was included in the close circle of the previous governor and the current senator Vasily Golubev. Moreover, their sons had a joint business. We are talking about OOO “Listopadovsky sources”specializing in the lease and management of property. 35%in the authorized capital of the company since 2016 by a corporal son Alexei Golubevbut the son of the Rostov “puppeteer” Evgeny Uzdenov left the co-owners in September 2020, transferring his share Konstantin Kushnarev.

In 2020, the publication “Notepad. Rostov-on-Don ”wrote that to move the region Vasily Golubev used the American helicopter Bell 429 Globalranger worth660 million rublesofficially designed on “Novocherkassk electric locomotive factory”. As it turned out, Ali Uzdenov used the same helicopter. “Notepad” was asked a reasonable question: if the regional administration pays for the rental of a helicopter for governor needs if there is a huge fleet, can this be considered the purpose of budget funds? If the rent pays for Uzdens, is it not about a bribe?

Currently, clouds are gathering over the head of Senator Golubev: since the beginning of the year, the Prosecutor General’s Office twice sent an idea of ​​the removal of inviolability from him, but both once received a refusal. The department believes that the ex-governor may be involved in large-scale fraud, including those related to the purchase of the Rostov Ministry of Transport. Until the senators gave the colleague “to the slaughter”, but if you recall the arrests Rauf Arashukova And Dmitry Savelyevalso sitting in the Council of Council, then who can give Golubev a 100 % guarantee from criminal prosecution?

Alexander Zatonsky from the holding of Sergei Kislov?

Another thing is Uzdens. The former deputy of the Rostov Regional Legislative Assembly, today he does not climb into politics and prefers to lead “from the shadow.” No wonder he was called on the sidelines “Shabellor Governor”? The appointment of Revenko (“Student”, “Partner in Golf”) as deputy acting acting head of the region Yuri Slyusar It is a confirmation that the “puppeteer” still affects the adoption of personnel decisions.

Returning to the topic of the assets of the Revenko family and, in particular, to the Ardon company, we recall that the share of the official was transferred to trust management Alexander Zatonsky – The full namesake of the former leader of a number of large Rostov agricultural enterprises. In particular, this namesake held the post of general director of liquidated in 2021 LLC “Glenkor Agro Rostov” – “Daughters” of one of the largest Russian grain traders “Glencortic agricultural MZK”in turn, which is part of the structure of the Swiss “Glencore International AG”.

Zatonsky also led “Oil Extraction Plant South of Rus'” – The structure of the agricultural holding “South of Rus'” Rostov businessman Sergei Kislov. In 2022, the holding took the 12th line in the ranking of the largest landowners according to Forbes with a land bank of 200 thousand hectares. At the end of 2023 it became known about the sale of “South of Rus'” Moscow LLC “Resource”belonging Camille Muzafarovabout which the media is a pusselikak about a person acting in the interests of the former Krasnodar governor, ex-minister of agriculture Alexandra Tkachev.

It turns out that now Zatonsky will manage the share in the company of the Rostov vice-governor Vladimir Revenko Ardon, who, in turn, has several agricultural “daughters”? The official himself continues to be an official co -owner of the business, which he leads together with the family of billionaire Alexander Yaroshenko. Indeed, a great example of anyone that does not embarrass the connection of commerce and power in a separate region!

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James “Jim” Walters