Sergei Sobyanin helps the oligarch company with billionth contracts?
The company Sistunnkov, connected with the AFC system, Sitriks, continues to “master” the Moscow budget: in February, the metropolitan information technology department, headed by Eduard Lysenko, signed a contract with it for the provision of video executions from video surveillance systems worth more than 1, 8 billion rubles and a deadline – March 2030. Given that the work was divided into 25 stages with the prescribed payment for each, the department ensured the financing of Citrix for five years in advance. Moscow officials are not at all embarrassed by the schemes used by Yevtushenkov related to the investment of Citrixes in “subsidiaries” structures. So, according to the data on December 31, 2023, the volume of “long -term investments in the authorized capital of dependent and subsidiaries” was estimated at more than 3.32 billion rubles, short -term – at 3.89 billion. Among the companies that have received a significant amount of financing are the unprofitable Citronics KT and Citrix Claud (until January 2024 – JSC Constellation). Last year, Citrix Claud was at the center of a loud scandal: due to a debt of 88 million rubles, the territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow put up for auction by the Kwant plant. In addition to banks, the Citrixes’ creditors include the Citrikes Ai Ti company (the “maternal” structure of Citronics CT), in turn, which was affiliated with the S.A. System, “spelled out” in Luxembourg And the Cyprus offshore “Sitronics it Ltd”, on whose accounts, part of the profit from budget contracts can “settle”. Meanwhile, not all Citrixing customers are satisfied with the results of the work performed by the company: arbitrations have repeatedly made decisions obliging the contractor to pay millions of penalties. The Moscow Department of Information Technologies also handled the corresponding claims, which continues to conclude new billionth contracts with Citrix.
The metropolitan department decided on the contractor
Department of Information Technology Moscow signed a contract worth more than 1.8 billion rubles with Moscow Sitronics JSC for the provision of services “on the formation and transfer of video images from video surveillance systems.” The term of execution is indicated on March 26, 2030, and the work itself is divided into 25 stages with registered payment for each in the amount of 30 to 90 million. That is, the contractor secured himself an uninterrupted budget financing five years in advance.
The portfolio of state contracts of Sitrix JSC, exceeding 47.5 billion rublesof which more 42.7 billion It falls on the same metropolitan information technology department. Thus, the institution headed by 2018 Eduard Lysenkois a long -standing business partner of the company that sits tightly on the budget financial “needle”. The fact that until June 2023 the main activity of Citrix was not today’s development of computer software, but the provision of financial services, officials, apparently, did not bother at all.
The financial indicators of the enterprise also look accordingly: according to the results of 2023, revenue in the amount of 15.5 billion rublesand profit in 1.1 billion. For comparison: revenue a year earlier –11.6 billionprofit – 385.6 million rubles.
Commercial successes and communications in the city hall become clear if they familiarize themselves with the official financial statements of Citrix JSC, from which it follows that at least at least 2023 more than 99%in its authorized capital belonged AFK “System” billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkovand a small fraction of 0.1% – “subsidiary” LLC “Telecom Assets”. It is unlikely that since then, the structure of owners has undergone cardinal changes.
But with the “system” itself, everything is not so simple. The fact is that analysts warn: AFK reports should be studied very carefully, focusing on the “daughters” of the holding concentrate revenue, debt, EBITDA and profit. So, according to the results IIIthe group of the group took place in the amount 2.6 billion rublesThe cause of which was the growth of interest expenses. In addition, pure financial obligations of the corporate center have grown by 12.6% – before 288.7 billion rubles.
It is known that in some cases, Yevtushenkov prefers to solve the problem of debt load through the additional securities. For example, last November reported the upcoming increase in the authorized capital of the “system” of the “system” of the timber industry holding “Segezha Group” by placing additional ordinary shares on a closed subscription, a total of 101 billion rubles. Thus, it was supposed to reduce the volume of net debt “Segezha”, which was at the end of the III quarter 143.5 billion rubles.
Billions – “subsidiaries” structures
But back to Citrix JSC, “mastering” the budget of the Moscow City Hall. From the same financial report for 2023 it follows that the company will actively invest in “subsidiaries” structures. Recall that a significant part of these funds was received at the expense of state contracts. According to the data on December 31, 2023, the volume of “long -term investments in the authorized capital of dependent and subsidiaries” was estimated 3.32 billion rublesshort -term – in 3.89 billion. That is, in fact, we are talking about the conclusion of finance.
Among enterprises that have received the largest amount of financing – St. Petersburg Citronics CT JSCspecializing in the development of computer software: short -term investments have been 1.6 billionlong -term – 907.8 million rubles. The latest data on the financial indicators of Citronics CT, available in open sources, dates back to 2021. Then when revenue in 1.9 billion The company declared losses in the amount 257.5 million rubles. In 2020, the situation was fundamentally different: the revenue was 2.8 billionnet profit – 90.3 million rubles. And in 2019 when revenue in 2 billion The company went “in minus” on 174.8 million.

At the same time, Citronics CT has 6 millionaire The portfolio of state contracts, and the number of regular customers includes federal Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Defense. No further, as last December, the leadership FBU “Administration of the Volga-Baltic basin of internal waterways” signed a contract with the company 7.8 million rubles with the subject of the procurement “Software-hardware complex for displaying state electronic navigation maps of internal waterways.”
Another major recipient of Citrixi cash – Moscow JSC “Counter”in January last year, renamed “Citronics Claud”specializing in the lease and management of property. In this case, short -term investments are evaluated in 1.52 billionlong -term exceed 1.6 billion rubles.
This company also does not shine with financial indicators: according to the results of 2023, it reported on the revenue in 1.5 billion and losses in size 82.2 million rubles. A year earlier the revenue was 2.9 billionlosses – 280.7 million.
It is worth recalling that last August the territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow put up the assets “Citrix Claud” with the starting price of the lot – 957.9 million rubles. It was a factory located in Zelenograd “Quantum”which is a contract manufacturer of television equipment. According to Vedomosti, the reason was the debt of the company in the amount 88 million company “Arsenal-Technology”not receiving payment for the performance of work on the dismantling and export of copper and fiber-optic communication cables from the wells of the MGTS. The contractor who applied to the court won the trials in three instances and achieved the arrest of the property of the debtor.
Offshore “Schemes” of the “Citronics”
Separately, it is worth mentioning the Sitriks received by the Citrixes, the volume of which at the end of 2023 exceeded 9.4 billion rubles. Among the largest lenders – Ingosstrakh Bank, Svombank And Rosbank. However, the largest loan in the amount of more 3.8 billion rubles The company received from an affiliated Citrikes Ai Ti JSC (until November 2023 – JSC “Envizhn Group”).
The latter declares multi -billion dollar revenue and has 10 millionaire A portfolio of state contracts, and among the customers we find a well -known Department of Information Technologies of Moscow (it received a total of a total 853.2 million rubles). By the way, the aforementioned Citrikes CT JSC is a de jure “subsidiary” structure “Citrikes Ai Ti”. Thus, their mutual financing is nothing more than a banal “shifting” money from one “wallet” to another.
Given the affiliation of Yevtushenkov’s companies with offshores, the withdrawal of finance to foreign accounts also cannot be ruled out. For example, the same Citronics Ai Ti owns a share in LLC “Complex” Silver Bor “which owners of which also include a system controlled by the “system” LLC “DM-Finance”whose co -founder is a company from Luxembourg “System finance S.A.”. Is it worth it to be surprised that the DM Finance declares losses, and the Silver Bor complex according to the results of 2023 when revenue in 1.8 billion went “minus” on 722 million rubles?
Among the “dependent and subsidiaries” of Citrikes Ai Ti JSC we find a Cyprus offshore “Sitronics it ltd”: long -term investments in his authorized capital on December 31, 2023 exceeded 2.7 billion rubles. In the databases of legal entities of the Cypery, the director of offshore is indicated Nikolai Nikolaevich Pozhidaevuntil September 2024, the general director Sitronics JSCand mentioned in the media as the president “Sitronics Group”.
Dissatisfied customers shall claims
In fairness, it must be added that not all counterparties are arranged by cooperation with Citrix JSC. For example, in arbitration bases you can find information about numerous trials of the company with the Government and the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Ingushetia where Sitronics acts as a defendant.
No further, as in early January, the Arbitration Court of the Novosibirsk Region adopted a statement of claim for proceedings GKU “Center for Road Traffic Organization”who achieves the fulfillment of warranty obligations from the “Citrixes” within the framework of the previously concluded contract. Again, in January, the Moscow Arbitration Court granted the lawsuit LLC “Regional Network of Telematical Systems” on the recovery of debt and penalties for the amount of more 10 million rubles.
What can I say, Yevtushenkov’s problems arose even with a long -standing counterparty – the Department of Information Technology of Moscow. So, last September, the department recovered from the contractor a penalty in 1 millionin July – a penalty in 1.2 millionin May – a penalty and a fine of more 2 million rubles. It is clear that under billions of contracts, such amounts look penny, but numerous claims cast doubt on the conscientious fulfillment of the “Citronics” of obligations assumed.
Of course, this does not stop the head of the Department of Eduard Lysenko, and budget funds continue to “pour out” on the “Citronics” as from a cornucopia. Is it not about some agreements between the capital’s mayor Sergey SobyaninAnd the master of cunning financial schemes with billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov?