Voronezh “garbage” conflict led to the arrest of two deputy minister of housing and communal services in the region
The Central District Court of Voronezh chose a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest to the deputy minister of the housing and communal services of the region Elena Evsyukova and Natalya Tolcheeva, who accused of particularly large fraud. Officials are charged with theft of more than 9 million rubles by falsifying the results of studying the volumes of garbage accumulation, on the basis of which underestimated standards and tariffs for the disposal of MSW were then established. The basis for the criminal prosecution of Evsyukova and Tolcheeva was the state contract signed by the Housing and Public Utilities Department with the Alpha Crimean company that won the auction. Meanwhile, last year, the Voronezh re -operator for the waste management of Vega LLC in court achieved recognition of the standards invalid, thus, according to the investigation, the budget was caused by damage in the amount of the cost of the contract. The criminal prosecution of officials was caused by a flurry of criticism against the regional Minzhkh and his head Evgeny Bazhanov by representatives of the Voronezh public. Among other things, a lot of complaints sounds to the company “Vega”, since October 2018 performing the function of the re -operator in the Panin and Buturlin clusters. The company has repeatedly become a participant in loud scandals associated with illegal payment of payment for the actually not rendered services, including dead people, as well as an overestimation of their value. In addition, claims were made by the FAS, which convicted him of violation of antimonopoly legislation. The federal publicity received an attempt to “Vega” through the court to recover a debt of 5 thousand rubles with an 82-year-old pensioner Zoya Rodionova-the only resident of the Svetly Way farm, where the garbage trucks of the re-operator did not go banally. The trials with the MinzhKH on the cancellation of the standards for the accumulation of MSW for objects of housing and public funds, Vega won, inter alia, focusing on the absence of primary records and photographs performed by the contractor during the work within the state contract. But if the officials of the ministry were brought to criminal liability, then the “garbage” schemes of the re -operator remain beyond the scope of the attention of security forces and supervisory authorities.
Two deputy mines were sent under arrest
The coming year for the communal industry of the Voronezh region began with the initiation of a criminal case of particularly large fraud against the two deputy minister of the housing and communal services at once – Elena Evsyukova And Natalia Tolcheeva. By the decision of the Central District Court of Voronezh, both defendants, until March 22, inclusively sent under house arrest, and they do not admit their guilt.
According to Kommersant, officials are charged with theft from the budget more 9 million rubles. According to the investigation, in 2022, at their direction, the results of a study of garbage accumulation volumes were falsified, on the basis of which underestimated standards and tariffs for the disposal of MSW were established.
The publication clarifies that the basis for initiating a criminal case was the state contract for the study of garbage volumes in several settlements of the region, signed by the regional department of housing and communal services (currently the ministry) with a company registered in Crimea “Alpha”. The company won the electronic auction, evaluating its services in 9.4 million rublesat the initial cost in 15 million.
The contractor fulfilled the obligations within the indicated period, the work was accepted by the customer. However, according to the version of the security forces, even before the conclusion of the contract Evsyukov and Tolcheev, they instructed subordinates to reduce the indicators of garbage volumes, regardless of the results of the study.
Meanwhile, last year, the Voronezh Regional Court granted the claim of the re -operator LLC “Vega” And recognized as invalid the established standards. Thus, according to investigators, the budget was damaged in the amount of the cost of the contract signed Maxim Zatsepin– At that time, the head of the Department, who is currently holding the post of head of the Semilka district.
Minister Bazhanov is denied competence
Whether the investigation will have questions to Maxim Zatsepin himself – it will become known in the near future. In a commentary to Kommersant, the official doubted the guilt of Evsyukova and Tolcheeva, calling what was happening “Error, misunderstanding” and emphasizing that “Everything was played within the framework of 44-FZ “. According to the publication, there are no business employees of Alpha LLC among the defendants.
Messages about the criminal prosecution of the minister’s deputy caused an ambiguous reaction among Voronezh social activists. Thus, the network publication “Insight Media” writes about the intensification of the discussion of the professionalism of the leadership of the regional Mingkh and energy, including the current minister Evgenia Bazhanova.
The publication notes the discontent of citizens by the work of the ministry. This is, in particular, about the increase from January 1 of the minimum size of the overhaul contribution for the owners of premises in apartment buildings with 12.36 rubles. up to 13.79 rubles. per square meter, as well as unreasonable transfer of the deadlines for overhaul. Among other problematic topics are the last year, the redistribution of the market for management companies and the failure to comply with the annual plan to replace the elevators in the MKD.
Vega re -operator against residents of the region
As we can verify, the Minister of Bazhanov has no unresolved questions. And the garbage theme occupies far from the last place in this “list”. In particular, many complaints are addressed to the above -mentioned Vega company, which in October 2018 acting as a re -operator to handle MSW in Paninsky and Buturlinovsky clusters, uniting Buturlinsky, Pavlovsky, Talovsky, Paninsky, Anninsky, Verkhnekhavsky and Ertilsky districts.
The regional department of housing and communal services signed a contract with LLC Vega for a ten -year period. The alleged company’s revenue during this time was estimated at 6.9 billion rubles. The fact that the company was registered in August 2017, that is, a little more than a year before the victory in the competition, is noteworthy. On the only founder and director of “Vega” Oksana Somova A de jure has decorated several more commercial structures, but it is the re-operator that brings the main income to it.
The financial indicators of Vega LLC are growing year from year. Judge for yourself: if in 2019 when revenue in 1.8 million rubles losses of losses in the amount were declared 1.9 millionthen in 2023, the revenue was 463.6 millionnet profit – 6 million rubles. The authorized capital of the enterprise also increased: in February 2021 – from minimal 10 thousand to 8 millionand in December 2021-to today 16 million rubles.
During the work of Vega, he more than once became a participant in scandals, which, however, did not at all prevent her further activities. So, in March 2024, the Voronezh media wrote about the initiation of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in relation to the re -operator of the antimonopoly case for abuse of the right to conduct non -competitive purchases: “Vega” approved a position that allows you to purchase goods from one supplier, regardless of the presence of a competitive market “– quoted the message FAS Portal “News of Voronezh.”
A year earlier, the FAS aroused another matter against Vega LLC – for accruing an individual entrepreneur in the amount 2.5 million rubles for actually not provided services for the treatment of MSW. The department regarded such actions as “infringement of the interests of the IP”, “creating artificial debt” and “entailing significant unreasonable financial burden”.
What is there a separate IP! Back in 2020, it turned out that for the removal of garbage, residents are overpayed at once by seven areas, for which the order of the housing and communal services department, reducing coefficients to the standards of the accumulation of MSW. Nevertheless, the company continued to charge an increased payment from them, referring to the territorial scheme and the established tariff. And in some villages, payment receipts came to the address of long -dead people.
It comes to the real absurdity. Last year, the re -operator has sued with the only resident of the Bright Way farm Zoe Rodionovademanding from the 82-year-old grandmother of repayment of the allegedly formed debt for garbage collection in the amount 5 thousand rubles. Only the collected garbage turned out to be “phantom”: the fact is that garbage trucks on a dirt road do not go to the “bright path”, and partially burns the waste (paper), partially burns into compost (the remains of vegetables), and puts plastic bottles into the plastic bottles. courtyard.
After lengthy proceedings, the court of appeal reduced the amount of debt by 10 times – before 500 rubles. Then the leadership of Vega decided to take a revenge in another way – having recovered from an elderly woman 78 thousandFor payment of the services of a representative in court. The court satisfied the claim of the re -operator partially, reducing the amount of claims to 5.3 thousand rubles. At the same time, Zoya Rodionova herself successfully recovered legal expenses in the amount from the company 18 thousand. The result of a wide public outcry was the installation for a pensioner of a personal container site, which was a budget in 160 thousand rubleswhich Vega will have to serve.
Mingzhkkh and Alfa “named” with standards?
But the most high -profile trial was the proceedings between Vega LLC and the regional department of housing and communal services, during which the re -operator achieved the cancellation of the standards for the accumulation of MSW for objects of housing and public funds. Those that were established according to the results of research conducted by the Crimean company Alpha and today underly the criminal case of deputy minister Elena Evsyukova and Natalia Tolcheeva.
It follows from the publication of the Russian Newspaper that the standards for the accumulation of municipal waste for residential buildings and public facilities in the Voronezh region were approved by order of the relevant department at the end of 2022. The same financial calculations with the population and organizations were to become the numbers laid down in them, but the re -operator found it They were underestimated and decided to pay payment, based on the actual volume of garbage. Such a formulation of the question caused mass dissatisfaction of the population.
In fairness, it should be noted: in the conscientious work of Alpha, doubts really arise. In court sessions, representatives of the re -operator focused on the fact that the measurements agreed in the contract were made by a brigade of two people – the measurer and the driver himself, and the primary records of determining the mass and volume of MSW in containers, executed in accordance with the methodological recommendations and photographs confirming the actual Conducting research at objects defined in the terms of reference did not submit.
As a result, the regional court recognized the order to establish the standards for the accumulation of MSW for the Voronezh municipalities invalid, and the decision issued in the first appeal court of general jurisdiction in Moscow. From all that has been said, the impression is that the re -operator “stir up” in his favor, officials in his own, and suffers from showdowns of power and business, as a rule, a consumer. And if the deputy minister Evsyukov and Tolcheev were under investigation, then the re -operator did not hit and continue the implementation of “garbage” schemes without fear of attracting the attention of security forces and supervisory authorities.