Ex-President of the Baltic “lit up” in the “muddy” scheme with the supply of uniforms
The Investigative Committee of the Moscow Region conducts a pre -investigation of the employees of the companies Art Textile and New Design on the fact of abuse of powers in the execution of state defense order. The New Design company signed a contract with the St. Petersburg BTK Group JSC for sewing the moss winter field costume for employees of the Russian Guard, but did not fulfill his obligations. The prosecutor’s audit, the results of which became the basis for the investigation measures, estimated the damage caused at almost 50 million rubles. “New Design” is registered in Shchelkovo, its co -owners are Than Le Van, Elena Le Van and Anton Le Van. For a long time, the company did not differ in financial indicators, but in 2023 it declared multimillion -dollar revenue. In addition, a number of commercial structures that are engaged in sewing outerwear are officially designed for the Le Van family. Some of the companies are “registered” in Losino-Petrovsky, where in a neighboring house with them the company “Art Textile” was registered, in respect of which the investigation of the investigation is also being checked: according to the prosecutor’s office, the leaders of the companies form a “group of persons”. The only owner and general director of Art Textile is Vadim Kravtsov, who owns LLC Intermoda: both firms have noted a sharp increase in financial indicators in 2023. The BTK Group, who was the customer of JSC, whose employees are interviewed by security forces, belongs to the billionaire Taimorez Bolloev and specializes in the “development and production of high -tech clothing for business”. Despite the availability of its own large -scale production, the BTK Group transferred orders of the Russian Guard by a dubious subcontractors near Moscow. At one time, the BTK Group was the only supplier of uniforms for the Ministry of Defense, but the result of cooperation was litigation, with the volume of claims against the contractor for a total amount of over 1 billion rubles. At different times, Bolloev himself led the Baltika brewer and the Olipstroy State Corporation, which oversees the construction of Olympic objects in Sochi. In 2023, after the transfer of the Baltic to the Office of the Federal Property Management Agency, Bolloev again headed the enterprise, as the media wrote – with the aim of its subsequent redemption, but these plans remained unrealized, despite the connection of the businessman with the influential families of Kovalchuk and Rotenbergs.
The moss did not enter the Russian Guard
In the suburbs, the trail began a pre -investigation verification on the fact of abuse of authority in the execution of the state defense order in relation to unidentified employees of the two LLCs – “Art Textile” And “New Design”. According to Kommersant, the basis for measures was the results of a prosecutor’s audit, which estimated the damage caused almost in 50 million rubles.
According to the publication, the New Design company registered in Schelkovo participated in the performance of the state defense order by signing a contract for sewing the moss winter field costume for employees of the Russian Guard with St. Petersburg BTK Group JSC And LLC “Fabric”. However, from the transferred funds21.5 million rubles They were cashed, and unidentified participants in the scam ordered them at their discretion. In addition, the audit of companies established the absence of separate accounting of financial and economic activities that are mandatory in the execution of contracts within the framework of the state defense order.
According to the terms of the first agreement, the “New Design” was supposed to be delivered by BTK Group JSC 1.5 thousand sets of uniforms by value 5.6 million rublesaccording to the conditions of the second – 17.4 thousand sets in the amount 64.6 million. In fact, under the first contract, only 35 sets were transferred to the amount 129 thousand rublesin the framework of the second – 2.7 thousand sets on 10.1 million. Thus, obligations for the supply of 16.2 thousand uniforms in the amount59.9 million rubles They were not executed.
The financial successes of the Le Van and Vadim Kravtsov family
The “New Design” in the scandal was created in 2017 and specializes in sewing outerwear. Until last September, its only founder was Hong NyueFAMtoday they are such Than Le Van (he also holds the position of general director), Elena Le van And Anton Le van.
For a long time, “New Design” did not shine with financial indicators. So, according to the results of 2021, the revenue of the company amounted to 2 millionnet profit – 226 thousand rubles; In 2022, revenue- 2.6 millionprofit – 138 thousand rubles. The situation changed dramatically in 2023, when revenue in 48.4 millionand profit in 7.3 million rubles. That is, the growth was, respectively, 1762% and 5220%.
The Le Van family also belongs to a number of commercial structures “registered” in Shchelkovo and Losino-Petrovsky (where, as the publication of Kommersant, the production capacities of the “new design” are said): LLC “Art Fashion”, TPK “Standard”, “Style and Fashion”, “Schweisity “, “Victil” And “Passing”. All of them are engaged in sewing outerwear.
The official financial statements of the above enterprises look quite modest, approximately like the “new design” until 2023. The exception is only that “VITTIL”, whose last year’s revenue was 45.9 million rublesand net profit – 1.3 million. For comparison: in 2022, the company’s revenue was evaluated in 1.8 millionprofit – in 320 thousand rubles.

There, in Losino-Petrovsky, on the street. Industrial, in a neighboring house with the enterprises of the Le Van family, the company has been registered “Art Textile”in respect of which the investigation is also conducted by pre -investigation. The only owner and general director of this company, which is again engaged in sewing outerwear, is Vadim Kravtsov.
According to the results of 2023, Art Textile reported on revenue in 50.3 million and arrived in the amount 2.8 million rubles. For comparison: a year earlier there were revenue in 8.7 million and profit in 447 youWith. rubles. The growth was, respectively, 478% and 531%. Not like the “new design” of course, but it is still impressive.
At the same address itself (Industrialnaya St., 2, p. 23-B), two more companies are “registered”: a sewing company “Union” and specializing in the provision of intermediary services for real estate rental Intermoda. Soyuz LLC was registered in July 2023 and Vadim Kravtsov in its authorized capital belongs to a share of 33.33%.
Intermoda has been working since December 2021, Kravtsov here is the only owner and general director. The sharp increase in the financial indicators of the company is noteworthy: if in 2022 its revenue was estimated at 632 thousandand profit in 187 thousand rublesthen in 2023, the revenue was 13.6 millionnet profit – 4.7 million rubles. Growth, respectively, 2052%and 2390%.
“BTK Group” “mowing the schemes” in the subdits?
There are no data on the state contracts received by the companies Le Van and Kravtsov in open sources. With a high probability, some of them were “sitting” in subcontracts. And were involved in the criminal scheme? In any case, as Kommersant writes, according to the prosecutor’s version, the leaders of these structures form a “group of persons”, and in addition to “New Design” and “Art Textile”, investigators interview employees of Schweisiti, Art mod, and at the same time and acting as a customer BTK Group JSC.
At the BTK Group, which has its own extensive sewing production, but for some reason transferred the contract to the dubious near Moscow contractors, you should stop in more detail. There is no information about the owner of the AO registered in St. Petersburg in the public domain. However, from the media publications it is known that such is a billionaire Taimuraz Bolloev (Even the name of the structure is nothing more than the initials of a businessman).
“Kommersant” calls “BTK Group” “The largest light industry holding in Russia”uniting 16 factories and engaging“Development and production of high -tech clothing for business”. Since 2018, BTK Group has not published data on its financial indicators, however, the company’s state contract portfolio exceeds 15.3 billion rubles. Among the largest customers are the Ministry of Defense (contracts 9.2 billion) and the Russian Guard (contracts for 5 billion).
True, in the activities of the holding is not without scandals. Thus, the change in the legal address “BTK Group” from Vsevolozhsk to the Northern capital of the publication “Business Petersburg” explained the confrontation between the company with the prosecutor’s office of the Leningrad Region, which included BTK Group JSC in the list of industrial facilities subject to anti -terrorist protection and under the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Industry and Trade. Attempts to appeal the corresponding decision in court were unsuccessful.
The customers themselves repeatedly made claims to the “high -tech” manufacturer. This applies, in particular, the Ministry of Defense, repeatedly judged with the BTK Group. And in December 2022, the company Taimuraz Bolloev did not pass the qualification selection for the supply of uniforms for Russian Railways, and the FAS and the Moscow Arbitration Court supported the decision of the railway monopolist.
Billionaire Bolloev is the failed owner of the Baltika
The news agency “Business Vector” calls Tymuraz Bolloev “A friend of President Vladimir Putin”a person close to influential families KovalchukovAnd Rotenbergs. The publication connects the successes of the BTK Group sewing production with his stay as Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov: Then the company became the only supplier of uniforms for the Russian army.
After appointment Sergey Shoigu The volume of contracts decreased, moreover, a series of trials for the total amount of from above was initiated against the structures of the BTK 1 billion rubles. However, Bolloev timely reoriented to cooperate with the head Victor Zolotov Rosgvardia.
In 2009-2011 Bolloev served as president of the state corporation Olipstroywhich oversees the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, and even earlier, in 1991-2004. He led a brewing company “Baltic”the largest shareholder and investor of which first was the Scandinavian concern “Baltic Beveges Holding”and after the asset section – Danish“Carlsberg Group”.
After the Carlsberg Group departure from the Russian market, the Baltic, in accordance with the presidential decree, was transferred to the Office of the Federal Property Management Agency. In July 2023, Bolloev became the president of the brewing company, who offered it to nationalize it. In the media, the assumption was voiced that this was done with an sight to the possible subsequent purchase of a promising business, as they say, for a small price.
If such a tricky plan took place, then he was unsuccessful: last December, the company became the new owner of the Baltic “VG Invest”the post of general director of which occupies Egor Guselnikov-Vice President of a brewer giant. The consequence of the change of owner was Bolloev’s departure from the leadership.
However, the billionaire has enough worries: in addition to the sewing, the BTK Group has a development direction, and in addition, Bolloev controls the agricultural company “Agrononov”in 2020, entered in capital “Demeter-Holding”uniting grain assets of the State Bank VTB.
True, cooperation with Art Tekstil and New Design may come out of the oligarch side, especially if the Investigative Committee establishes the facts of BTK Group participation in scams with budget millions. Of course, with a high degree of probability, the responsibility will be tried to transfer to the laying companies registered with the Le Van and Vadim Kravtsov family. But only in conditions of its need for uniforms it increases more and more, the volumes of purchases increase, and after high -profile corruption scandals to the Ministry of Defense, the control of the execution of contracts is significantly increased. In such conditions, financial fraud threatening big problems.