Did the Prosecutor General’s Office interfere with the plans of the founder of AVA Group?
The General Prosecutor’s Office achieved in the Krasnodar regional arbitration court the return to the ownership of the National Medical Research Center “MNTK” Eye Microsurgery “, controlled by the federal Ministry of Health. Academician S.N. Fedorov” assets previously owned by the establishment of the companies “Protasovo MG” and “Slavino”. In particular, land plots with a total area of over 148 hectares and a cadastral value of more than 500 million rubles. In April last year, the property complex Protasovo MG and Slavino, after an auction, became the property of the Krasnodar development company Stroykomkrasnodar at a reduced price – only 83.6 million rubles. During the trial, the Prosecutor General’s Office proved that the head of the medical center, Dmitry Arsyutov, under the pretext of withdrawing non-core assets, without the consent of the Ministry of Health, decided to alienate state property into private ownership, and affiliated persons participated in the auction – the company Stroykomkrasnodar and individual entrepreneur O.A. . Yeprikyan, associated with the development company SpetsstroyKuban. Meanwhile, the legal entities and individuals involved in the transaction are affiliated with the famous Kuban businessman, owner of the construction and investment holding AVA Group, Vahan Harutyunyan. This applies, among other things, to the company Stroykomkrasnodar, which won the auction, which actually does not carry out financial activities and received funds for the purchase of the assets of the Ministry of Health from SpetsstroyKuban LLC through the Urban Technology company. The ex-co-owner and general director of Stroykomkrasnodar, Ludwig Indoyan, was connected not only with Harutyunyan, but also with Nikolai Tkachev and Anastasia Crattli – relatives of the former Krasnodar governor, ex-Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev. And if Vahan Harutyunyan, who remains “in the shadows,” continues to implement new projects with another Kuban developer – Pavel Nevzorov, ex-adviser to the former mayor of Sochi Alexei Kopaygorodsky, the director of Eye Microsurgery Arsyutov, after a court decision is made on the claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office, will most likely face answer investigators’ questions.
The Prosecutor General’s Office returns the assets of the Ministry of Health
On the eve of the New Year holidays, the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory satisfied the claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office, returning it to the property controlled by the federal Ministry of Health National Medical Research Center “MNTK “Eye Microsurgery” named after. Academician S.N. Fedorov” its former “subsidiary” structure – the company “Protasovo MG”.
As Kommersant reports, the arbitration invalidated the results of the auction held on April 19, 2024, for the sale of a 100% stake in the authorized capital of Protasovo MG, as well as the company purchase and sale agreement dated April 25, signed by Eye Microsurgery with the development company “Stroykomkrasnodar”. According to the publication, the initial cost of the lot was 81 million rublesdata on the final price was not publicly available.
From the court materials it follows that the Prosecutor General’s Office regarded the transactions as “illegal withdrawal”assets “out of state control”and we were talking not only about Protasovo MG, but also about the one he founded in 2016 LLC “Slavino”. Noteworthy is the presence on the balance sheet of Protasovo MG of 11 land plots with an area of 30.5 hectares and a total value of over 300 million rubleslocated in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region.
In turn, Slavino LLC owned 12 land plots of 118 hectares and valued at more than 206 million rubles. According to the position of the supervisory agency, supported by the arbitration court, in February last year the general director of the medical center Dmitry Arsyutovunder the pretext of withdrawal of non-core assets, without the consent of the Ministry of Health and the Federal Property Management Agency, “made a decision to alienate the share of participation in Protasovo MG LLC into private ownership”.
In order to give his actions the appearance of legality, Arsyutov initiated the alienation of state property at a price determined Valuation company “BusinessConsult” – 81.6 million rubles. The Prosecutor General’s Office refused to consider the work of Business Consult “independent and impartial”. As it turned out, the same structure provided similar services to the company back in 2021 “SpetsstroyKuban” (LLC “SSK”), associated with the developer Stroykomkrasnodar. Then the share in the authorized capital of Protasovo MG was valued at 86.9 million rubles.
Moreover, contrary to the direct ban, affiliated persons took part in the auction – Stroykomkrasnodar and an individual entrepreneur O.A. Yeprikyanwhose final beneficiary the supervisory agency calls SpetsstroyKuban. As a result, bidders created the appearance of competition “by a one-time increase in the price of the lot, as a result of which its final cost is determined in the amount of 83.6 million rubles”.
“Stroykomkrasnodar” and affiliates
Thus, the final amount of the transaction becomes known from the arbitration documents: it amounted to 83.6 million. Let us recall that the total cadastral value of the property of Protasovo MG and Slavino exceeded 506 million. That is, there is a significant undervaluation of asset prices.
As for the affiliation of auction participants, it was possible to establish it thanks to an analysis of financial and economic transactions conducted by the Federal Tax Service. The connections here are truly interesting. So, until November 2024, the founders of Specialized Developer Stroykomkrasnodar LLC included Ludwig Indoyanhe also held the position of general director in the company, but last December he was replaced in this capacity Ruben Khurshudyan.
Stroykomkrasnodar received finance for the transaction with the property of the Ministry of Health as part of loan agreements with Urban Technology LLCin turn, received funds from the above-mentioned SpetsstroyKuban LLC. Former founder of Urban Technology Fedya Avetisyanaccording to the Federal Tax Service, in 2020-2023. received income from LLC “Capital Consulting”whose owner until December 2024 was Hovhannis Yeprikyanwho at one time held the position of general director at the company.

“Capital Consulting” is part of the structure of the “SSK” holding, and the recipient of its income in 2020-2023. there was Ludwig Indoyan, the former founder of Stroykomkrasnodar. Same in 2018-2020. held the position of General Director in Krasnodar Gephaestus Construction LLCowned by Feda Avetisyan. In 2022, the Urban Technology company issued an interest-bearing loan to Hovhannis Yeprikyan in the amount 12 million rublesand in April 2023 the company itself received from Ludwig Indoyan 75 million under the contract of assignment of claims.
In general, everyone knows each other well. Moreover, based on the arguments of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the court came to the conclusion that SZ Stroykomkrasnodar LLC, registered in November 2023, does not conduct financial activities, has only 1 employee, and the transaction with the property of Protasovo MG and Slavino ” – the only one with the participation of the developer – was based on finance received through Urban Technology from SZ SSK, which was interested in it.
Vahan Harutyunyan and his “denominations”
It would seem that the Prosecutor General’s Office worked, challenged the deal and returned the assets to the state, including more than 148 hectares of land chosen by the developer. But it seems that the real beneficiary remained behind the scenes. The fact is that the repeatedly mentioned Ludwig Indoyan is connected not only with the above-mentioned businessmen, but also with Vahan Harutyunyan – a famous Krasnodar businessman, owner of a construction and investment holding company “AVA Group”.
Until September 2024, Indoyan was one of the founders and held the position of general director in a Krasnodar construction company “Bond Finance”. Here we encounter another former owner Sergei Koshelenko. The latter was Vahan Harutyunyan’s business partner in a Moscow company“Crocus-A”information about the founders of which is currently not available in open sources.
But Ludwig Indoyan’s useful connections do not end there. Until last October he was director LLC “Specialized developer “SSK Anapa”until July 2023 belonged to Nikolay Tkachev And Anastasia Crattli– The media call them the nephew and niece of the former Kuban governor, ex-Minister of Agriculture Alexandra Tkacheva.
Since July 2023, the sole owner of SZ “SSK Anapa” is LLC “Stroycity Krasnodar”and has held the position of director since October 2024 Ella Karakeshishyan. She is together with Karine EgoyanOn a parity basis, he is the founder of Stroycity Krasnodar LLC, headed by Karine Egoyan. Both ladies are also associated with the AVA Group.
For example, Ella Karakeshishyan has been running a development company since October 2023 “Grazhdanstroyanapa”in which she owns a tiny share of 0.01%. Previously, the position of director in this commercial structure was held byKonstantin Sigachev– long-time companion of Vahan Harutyunyan, former co-owner LLC “Group of Companies “AVA”whose 50% in the authorized capital in October 2024 passed to the notorious head“International Boxing Association” Umar Kremlev. Harutyunyan himself, by the way, resigned from the post of president of the holding in December, and his place was taken by Daniil Karbivnik.
The main owner of SZ Grazhdanstroyanapa LLC is the company“Pallada”owned by StroycityKrasnodar LLC, and before that – by the same Konstantin Sigachev. Regarding Karine Egoyanthen she holds the position of director in LLC SZ Grazhdanproekttemryukamong the founders of which were already familiar to us Nikolai Tkachev and Ludwig Indoyan. Karina Egoyan owns 0.01% of the developer’s capital “Domstroyanapa”where the main owner is the same Pallada, and the former founder is Sigachev. That is, the scheme with the developer “Grazhdanstroyanapa” is repeated.
“Court” developers of Governor Kondratiev
The apparent abundance of names and companies should not be confusing: in fact, the same people are used in the schemes. They emerge from the ranks of owners and management of some enterprises to become founders and directors of others. Vahan Harutyunyan himself is “developing” Kuban, including in collaboration with another well-known developer in the regionPavel Nevzorov– ex-adviser to the former mayor of SochiAlexey Kopaygorodskywho became a defendant in several criminal cases of corruption.
OnAnna Nevzorova– the wife of a businessman and current deputy of the Krasnodar Legislative Assembly – the company was de jure registered “Metropolis”which owns 50% of the authorized capital of a company registered in Sochi “Solidus”which is engaged in strengthening the Black Sea coastline. Since last April, he has been the second co-owner of Solidus LLCLLC “Capital”whose owners are hidden behind Closed mutual fund “Stroitel”under control MC “Profit”owned by Lyudmila Harutyunyanabout whom the media wrote as the wife of the founder of AVA Group.
On the Internet, the project to strengthen the Sochi coastline was called “ecological chaos”: supposedly the federal Ministry of Construction issued Solidus LLC a permit for a “set of bank protection hydraulic structures” on the Primorskaya embankment site, but in fact the company is building an island near the port of the South Mall for future commercial development.
And this is just one example of cooperation between developers who are considered people from the inner circle of the Krasnodar governor Veniamina Kondratyeva. Perhaps the Prosecutor General’s Office thwarted another project of Harutyunyan, who decided to “turn around” in the Moscow region? And even if the billionaire himself remained “in the shadows,” after a court decision was made against the director of the National Medical Research Center “MNTK Eye Microsurgery” named after A. Academician S.N. Fedorov” Dmitry Arsyutov, the investigators should have questions.